How to Resolve NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Error Quickly

Your connection is not private

by Montel Anthony

Confronting the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error can be extremely disconcerting while browsing online, particularly when trying to gain access to critical data or accomplish urgent tasks online. This issue indicates a mismatch between domain name listed on security certificate of website visited and domain you attempt to visit; often leading to security and access issues on Chrome browser. Understanding what this error signifies as quickly as possible and finding solutions will ensure uninterrupted internet usage while keeping online activities safe.

This article offers a clear and structured solution for fixing Chrome‘s NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error as well as its root causes. Our comprehensive guidelines will enable us to quickly resolve it so you can return to web activities with minimal interruption; as well as offering tips to avoid future incidents in future web browsing sessions – helping navigate web more smoothly and securely for longer. By taking note of what insight has been shared with us here you’ll gain the tools to address such perplexing issues more efficiently.


Definition and Symptoms

The NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error occurs when your browser cannot verify a website’s SSL certificate, leading to a failure in establishing a secure connection. This issue is typically due to a misconfiguration of the certificate on the server. The ‘common name’ in question is the domain for which the SSL certificate was issued. For instance, if your certificate is for, and you access a different domain, this mismatch triggers the error. Symptoms include a warning in the browser, such as “Your connection is not private” in Chrome, indicating potential security risks.

Potential Risks of Ignoring the Error

Ignoring the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error can expose you to several risks. Your browser will display a warning that the site may be unsafe and could potentially steal your private information. This can deter visitors and create a poor first impression. More critically, continuing to use a site with this error can lead to data theft, exposure to malware, and other security vulnerabilities. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly to maintain safe and secure internet usage.

Guidelines to Resolve the Error

Step 1: Validate SSL Certificate

To begin addressing the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error, first inspect your SSL certificate. Click on the Not Secure warning in the URL bar of your browser, and select Certificate (Invalid). This will show whether the domain listed matches the one you are trying to access. If there is a discrepancy, this indicates a misconfiguration of your SSL certificate.

Step 2: Match Domain with Certificate

Ensure that the domain name on your SSL certificate matches the domain you intend to secure. For instance, if your domain is redirected from to, check if both versions are covered under your SSL certificate. If they are not, consider acquiring a SAN certificate that covers both or make necessary adjustments to include both domain versions.

Step 3: Configure Web Server and DNS

Adjust your web server and DNS settings to ensure they are correctly configured to support the SSL certificate. This might include stopping redirection between www and non-www versions of your site, or ensuring that any redirects are properly secured with an SSL certificate. If your site uses a SAN certificate, verify all domains listed under the Extension Subject Alternative Name section in your certificate details to ensure comprehensive coverage.

By following these steps, you can effectively resolve the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error and secure your website’s connections.

Pro Tips for Avoiding Future Errors

To maintain the security and performance of your website, follow these essential tips:

Regularly Renew SSL Certificates

Ensure you renew your SSL certificates before they expire to avoid security warnings and maintain trust with your site visitors. The optimal renewal period can vary; some businesses may need up to 90 days, while others might find a shorter window sufficient. Regular renewal not only prevents certificate-related outages but also keeps your site compliant with security standards.

Use Automated SSL Management Tools

Automating the management of your SSL certificates can significantly reduce the risk of human error and save time. Tools like network scanners can help detect all your TLS certificates, ensuring none are overlooked. Automated monitoring solutions provide timely alerts before certificates expire, which is crucial for continuous security.

Regularly Update Your Server Software and Configurations

Keeping your server software and configurations up to date is vital. This includes applying the latest TLS patches and ensuring that your SSL/TLS protocols are current. Managed hosting providers can be beneficial here, as they handle these updates and monitor SSL certificates round-the-clock, ensuring your setup remains secure and efficient.

By incorporating these practices into your SSL management strategy, you can enhance your website’s security and user trust.


Throughout the article, we’ve explored various aspects of the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error, providing a comprehensive guide to understanding, addressing, and preventing this common yet complex issue. By delving into the reasons behind the SSL certificate mismatch and highlighting actionable steps to rectify it, the piece offers a clear pathway to ensuring secure and uninterrupted web access. Moreover, the supplementary pro tips underscore the importance of proactive SSL certificate management, emphasizing regular renewal, the utilization of automated tools, and the maintenance of server software as pivotal strategies for averting future errors.

This approach not only enhances security but also fosters trust among website visitors, contributing to a safer online environment. The implications of ignoring such errors, as discussed, underscore the potential risks to data security and user experience, thereby reinforcing the need for immediate and informed action. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and vigilant about SSL/TLS security becomes a non-negotiable aspect of web management, warranting continued education and adaptation. Therefore, it is essential for website administrators and users alike to heed the advice and strategies presented, ensuring a secure, efficient, and trustworthy internet experience. Check our guides on How to Fix ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome: 3 Methods.


1. What steps can I take to resolve the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error?
To fix the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error, you can try several methods:

  • Ensure your SSL certificate is configured correctly.
  • Verify that your domain with and without ‘www’ directs to the same URL.
  • Make sure your WordPress URL correctly points to your site URL.
  • Check for conflicts caused by browser extensions.
  • Clear your browser’s cache.
  • Temporarily disable any antivirus software and firewall.
  • Adjust your URL settings in phpMyAdmin.
  • Clear the SSL state in your browser.

2. How can I fix the net::err_cert_invalid error during local development?
During local development, the net::err_cert_invalid error can typically be fixed by using a self-signed certificate or by disabling SSL checks in your browser. For secure HTTPS connections locally, creating and using a self-signed SSL certificate is advisable.

3. What does the ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error mean in Java?
The ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error is a common SSL error that occurs when loading a website, primarily due to a misconfiguration of the certificate on the server. This error can also be triggered by antivirus programs, firewalls, or other third-party extensions and software.

4. How do I clear the SSL state in Chrome?
To clear the SSL state in Chrome, navigate to the ‘Content’ tab in your browser settings. Here, you will find the ‘Clear SSL state’ button. Click this button to clear the SSL cache for Chrome.

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