How to Easily Fix PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error in WordPress

by Montel Anthony

Encountering the “PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error” is a common predicament that many WordPress users face, potentially halting website functionality and posing significant roadblocks to content management and publication activities. This error, succinctly put, means that your PHP installation lacks the MySQL extension required by WordPress to communicate with its database effectively. Understanding the gravity of this issue is paramount, as it directly impacts the usability and efficiency of one of the world’s most popular content management systems. WordPress’s reliance on PHP and MySQL for dynamic content generation and database management renders this issue not just a technical glitch, but a critical barrier to website operation and development.

To tackle this widespread issue, this article will guide readers through a comprehensive approach to fix the PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error in WordPress. Initially, it will delve into what this error signifies and its common causes, providing a foundational understanding necessary for effective troubleshooting. Following that, a step-by-step guide will be outlined, detailing the processes to verify the MySQL extension status and methods to resolve the error, ensuring WordPress sites return to full functionality. This roadmap aims to equip administrators and developers with the knowledge to address this error promptly, mitigating its impact on website performance and availability.

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Understanding the PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error

When WordPress users encounter the message “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress,” it indicates a significant issue with the server’s code or scripts. This error specifically points to the absence of the necessary PHP extension to facilitate the connection between the WordPress site and its MySQL database. Understanding the root causes of this error is crucial for troubleshooting and resolving the issue effectively.

Common Causes of the Error

There are primarily two reasons why users might face this error:

  1. Using an Outdated Version of WordPress with PHP 7+: If a user operates an older version of WordPress alongside a modern version of PHP, this error may occur. This is because, starting from PHP 7.0, the MySQL extension was deprecated in favor of MySQLi, meaning PHP 7+ versions no longer include the MySQL extension that WordPress requires.
  2. Using PHP 5.6 or Lower with Missing or Improperly Configured Extension: Another likely cause is using PHP version 5.6 or lower, where the MySQL extension is either missing or not configured correctly. Before its deprecation, the MySQL extension was essential for WordPress sites to interact with their databases.

Checking MySQL Extension Status

To verify whether the MySQL extension is installed and enabled, users can refer to the phpinfo.php file, which provides comprehensive information about the PHP environment. By navigating to the mysqli or mysql section within this file, one can check if the MySQL extension is installed by looking for the version number next to the Client API field. If this field is missing or blank, it indicates that the MySQL extension is not installed on the server.

In cases where the MySQL extension is not installed, the installation process will vary depending on the hosting provider. Generally, users can consult the PHP installation guide for detailed instructions. For those using cPanel, enabling the extension can be accomplished by navigating to the Software section, selecting the PHP Version, and then enabling mysqli and mysqlnd extensions.

Understanding the PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error is the first step towards troubleshooting and resolving this common WordPress issue. By identifying the root cause and checking the MySQL extension status, users can take appropriate measures to ensure their WordPress site functions smoothly.

Common Causes of the Error

When WordPress users encounter the error stating, “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress,” it typically stems from issues with the server’s code or scripts. This error indicates a lack of the necessary PHP extension to connect the WordPress site to its MySQL database. Understanding the common causes of this error is crucial for troubleshooting and resolving the issue effectively.

Outdated WordPress or PHP Version

One of the primary reasons for this error is the use of an outdated version of WordPress with a modern version of PHP, specifically PHP 7.0 or higher. Starting from PHP 7.0, the MySQL extension was deprecated in favor of MySQLi, meaning that PHP versions 7.0 and above no longer include the MySQL extension that WordPress requires for database communication. Consequently, modern versions of WordPress have adapted to use the newer PDO_MySQL or MySQLi extensions. However, WordPress versions below 3.9 might still be looking for the old MySQL extension, leading to compatibility issues.

Missing or Disabled MySQL Extensions

Another common cause is the absence or improper configuration of the MySQL extension in PHP versions 5.6 or lower. Before its deprecation, the MySQL extension was essential for WordPress sites to interact with their databases. If a server is using PHP 5.6 or lower, and the MySQL extension is either not installed or incorrectly configured, users are likely to encounter this error. It’s important to ensure that the required MySQL extensions, such as mysqli or PDO_MySQL, are present and enabled in the PHP configuration, especially if both WordPress and PHP are up to date.

Incorrect PHP Configuration

Incorrect settings in the php.ini file can also trigger this WordPress error. Issues such as incorrect file paths, improper extension directories, or extensions being commented out can prevent WordPress from interacting with the MySQL database. Misconfiguration can occur for various reasons, including uploading a php.ini file intended for a different server type (e.g., using a file meant for Windows servers on a Linux server) or simply having outdated or incompatible PHP settings. To avoid this, it’s crucial to review and adjust the PHP configuration as needed, ensuring that it’s correctly set up to work with the WordPress site.

By addressing these common causes, users can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the “PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error” in WordPress, restoring full functionality to their sites.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the Error

To effectively address the PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error in WordPress, follow this structured approach that encompasses updating WordPress, checking and updating the PHP version, ensuring the MySQL extension is installed, and verifying and correcting the php.ini file configuration.

Update WordPress

  1. Identify WordPress Version: If your server uses PHP 7+ and you’re encountering the PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error, it’s likely due to running an outdated version of WordPress, specifically version 3.9 or lower.
  2. Backup Your Site: Before proceeding with any updates, ensure you have a complete backup of your WordPress site.
  3. Update WordPress: Visit and download the latest version of the WordPress software. Follow the installation instructions provided on the site to update your WordPress version. This not only fixes the MySQL extension error but also brings additional features, security, and performance improvements.

Check and Update PHP Version

  1. Determine PHP Version: Use the phpinfo.php file to check your current PHP version. If it’s PHP 5.6 or lower, updating to a newer version is advisable.
  2. Update PHP Version: You can update the PHP version through your web host’s control panel, such as cPanel, or by contacting your hosting provider. For more technical users, SSH into the WordPress server and update PHP from the command line. Updating to PHP 7.4 or higher is recommended for compatibility and security reasons.

Ensure MySQL Extension is Installed

  1. Verify MySQL Extension Installation: Revisit the phpinfo.php file on your server. Look for sections named either mysql or mysqli to check if the MySQL extension is installed, indicated by a version number next to the Client API library version.
  2. Installation or Configuration Issues: If you cannot find the MySQL extension, it may not be installed, or if installed, it might not be configured correctly. Contact your host’s support staff for installation assistance or refer to the PHP installation guide for manual steps.

Verify and Correct php.ini File Configuration

  1. Locate php.ini File: Use the phpinfo.php file to find the path to the active php.ini file. Note the extension_dir setting within the file, ensuring it matches the directory PHP uses to load extensions.
  2. Correct Misconfigurations: Open the php.ini file and verify that the extension_dir setting reflects the correct path to your PHP extensions. Ensure this line is not commented out. Common issues include incorrect file paths or using a php.ini file intended for a different operating system.
  3. Restart Web Server: After making the necessary changes, save the file, exit the editor, and restart your web server for the changes to take effect. Use sudo systemctl restart apache2 for Apache servers or sudo systemctl restart nginx for Nginx servers.

Following these steps should resolve the PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error in WordPress, restoring full functionality to your site. Remember, always back up your site before making significant changes and consult with your hosting provider if you encounter any difficulties during the process.

Checking MySQL Extension Status

To ensure that your WordPress site operates smoothly, verifying the status of the PHP and MySQL extensions is crucial. This can be accomplished through several methods, each suited for different levels of technical expertise.

Using WordPress Site Health Tool

For WordPress administrators seeking a straightforward approach, the built-in Health Tool offers a user-friendly way to check the PHP and MySQL extension status:

  1. Log into the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Tools and select Site Health.
  3. Click on the Info tab.
  4. In the Server section, the PHP version is displayed. For instance, you might see PHP version 8.2.12.
  5. Proceed to the Database section to verify if the MySQL extension for PHP is installed. If the mysqli extension is listed as installed and active, your site should be correctly configured. If this section is empty, it indicates the MySQL extension is missing and requires installation.

Using info.php File

Another method to check the MySQL PHP extension status involves using an FTP client or a web hosting control panel like Plesk or cPanel:

  1. Connect to your WordPress site’s server and navigate to the root directory, typically named public_html. Here, create a new file named info.php.
  2. Insert the following PHP code into the info.php file: <?php phpinfo(); ?>.
  3. Save the file and access it by navigating to in a web browser, replacing with your actual domain name.
  4. Use Ctrl+F to search for mysqli and pdo_mysql within the output. If the Client API library version field in these sections is populated, the MySQL extensions are enabled. An empty field indicates the extensions are missing.

Warning: For security reasons, remove or restrict access to the info.php file after use, as it contains detailed server configuration information.

From Command Line

Advanced users or those with SSH access to their server can check the MySQL extension status directly from the command line:

  1. Log in to the server hosting your WordPress site.
  2. To verify the installed PHP version, use the command: php -v.
  3. Check if the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extensions are installed with: php -m | grep mysqli and php -m | grep pdo_mysql.
  4. If the extensions are missing, install them using: sudo apt install php-mysqli and sudo apt install php-pdo-mysql, adjusting the commands based on your PHP version.
  5. Restart the web server to apply changes. For Apache servers, use sudo systemctl restart apache2, and for Nginx servers, sudo systemctl restart nginx.

By following these steps, WordPress administrators can effectively determine the status of the MySQL extension, ensuring their site’s compatibility and functionality.


Navigating through the complexities of resolving the “PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error” in WordPress can seem daunting at first. Nonetheless, this article has systematically broken down the process into comprehensible steps, ensuring that even those with minimal technical know-how can restore full functionality to their WordPress sites. From understanding the causes of this error, including outdated WordPress or PHP versions and incorrect PHP configuration, to following a structured approach for fixing the issue by updating WordPress, checking and updating PHP versions, and verifying the MySQL extension installation, readers are now equipped with the necessary knowledge to tackle this issue head-on. It’s been highlighted how vital it is to keep both WordPress and PHP versions up-to-date, reinforcing the need for regular maintenance to prevent such errors from occurring in the first place.

Furthermore, by emphasizing the broader implications of addressing this error — not only does it restore site functionality, but it also underscores the importance of website security and optimal performance — this discussion extends beyond a mere troubleshooting guide. It prompts readers to consider the maintenance of their WordPress sites as an ongoing commitment to ensuring a secure and efficient online presence. While this article concludes our exploration into fixing the “PHP Missing MySQL Extension Error,” it’s a starting point for more in-depth considerations into website management, security, and optimization. To ensure your WordPress site remains robust and efficient, engaging with professional resources and staying abrevised of WordPress and PHP updates is recommended.


How can I resolve the issue of a missing MySQL extension in my PHP installation for WordPress?

To fix the missing MySQL extension error in WordPress, especially if you’re using PHP version 7 or above, you should start by updating your WordPress to the latest version. This is because PHP 7.0 and later versions do not support the MySQL extension that older versions of WordPress require. Updating WordPress usually resolves this issue.

What steps should I take if my PHP installation on cPanel is missing the MySQL extension required by WordPress?

If your WordPress on cPanel indicates that the PHP installation is missing the MySQL extension, you can follow these steps to resolve the issue:
Update the WordPress core software to the latest version.
Use the WordPress Health Tool to check the status of the MySQL PHP extension.
Verify the MySQL PHP extension status in the info.php file.
Review and adjust the MySQL PHP extension settings in the php.ini file.
Check the status of the MySQL PHP extension from the command line.

How do I enable the mysqli PHP extension for WordPress?

To enable the mysqli PHP extension, which is necessary for WordPress, you can:
Install the extension by running sudo apt install php-mysql in your terminal.
Confirm that the extension is enabled in your php.ini file by ensuring the line extension=mysqli is uncommented (i.e., there is no semicolon at the beginning of the line).
Restart your web server, such as Apache or Nginx, to apply these changes.

What causes the error message about a missing MySQL extension in my PHP installation on WordPress Docker?

The error message indicating a missing MySQL extension in your PHP installation on WordPress Docker occurs when the MySQL extension for PHP is not installed or enabled on your system. This extension is crucial for PHP to connect and interact with MySQL databases. Ensuring that this extension is installed and enabled should resolve the issue.

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