How to Add HTML Anchor Links in WordPress for Better Navigation

by Montel Anthony
Published: Updated:

If you’ve got a lengthy page or blog post it could be beneficial to offer additional visitors with a simple option to skip to certain parts. That’s where HTML anchor links can come useful. Anchor links permit users to hit a link, and then immediately navigate to a different part on the page. In this complete guide, we’ll go over how anchor links work and why they’re beneficial as well as how you can add them on your WordPress website to improve the user’s experience, navigation and.

An HTML anchor link is a kind of hyperlink that points at an specific spot on the web. It is composed of two components:

  1. The anchor, itself, is identified by the Id attribute
  2. The link that points at the anchor is specified in the Href attribute

If a person clicks an anchor hyperlink it will take the user into the appropriate anchor position on the webpage. This is especially useful when it comes to longer-form content because it allows users to easily navigate areas they’re keen on.

Here’s a sample of what the appearance of an anchor link is in HTML:

<a href="#section1">Jump to Section 1</a>

<h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>

In this case click “Jump” on the “Jump into Section 1” hyperlink will take users directly to the section heading, with an ID “section1”.

Anchor links are often utilized in the following areas:

  • Table of Contents
  • Footnotes
  • Glossaries
  • FAQ section

In providing anchor hyperlinks making it easy for your readers to locate the info they require and browse your material faster.

The use of anchor links on your WordPress website has several important advantages

  1. enhanced user experience: Anchor links can enable pages with long sections to be usable and nimble. The user can jump quickly to sections that they are attracted to, instead of needing to navigate across the whole page.
  2. Better accessibility: Anchor links can be helpful for users with accessibility. Anchor links allow screen readers, or who navigate using keyboards to quickly navigate to particular areas of the web page.
  3. More Engagement: In making your material more user-friendly anchor links may benefit lower bounce rates and make it easier for customers to stay browsing your website.
  4. More SEO: Anchor hyperlinks don’t directly affect SEO, they could in indirect ways boost your rankings on search engines. Through providing better user experience, and by improving your material easier to crawl they can lead to lower bounce rate and more engagement. These is a positive signal for SEO.

To find out more about the advantages of anchor links take a look at this article by Moz.

Once we’ve understood the significance of anchor links we can look into ways to incorporate them into your WordPress website.

The process of adding an anchor link manually within WordPress is easy. Learn these steps step-by-step:

  1. Select the Anchor Position: Decide where you would like the anchor hyperlink to appear in your web page. It can be a certain section, heading, or even a section.
  2. Provide the anchor with an ID: When you are in the WordPress editor, toggle into “Text”, view “Text” (HTML) mode. Select the HTML element in which you would like to position the anchor. Then create an ID attribute. The attribute should have a specific value. As shown in the below example:
  3. <h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>
  4. Create the Anchor Link: Now, create the link that will point to the anchor. Use an <a> tag with an href attribute that includes the # symbol followed by the anchor’s id. For instance:<a href="#section1">Jump to Section 1</a>
  5. Position the Anchor Link: Place the anchor link somewhere on the page where it makes sense, such as in a table of contents or above the relevant section.

Here’s a complete example of how an anchor link would look in HTML:

<a href="#section1">Jump to Section 1</a>

<h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>
<p>This is the content for section 1.</p>

By following these steps, you can manually add anchor links to your WordPress pages or posts.


Jump to Section 1

Section 1

If you’re looking for a user-friendly method then you could use the WordPress plugin that allows anchor hyperlinks. There are several options to choose from:

This article will show you how to create anchor hyperlinks together this plugin: Easy Table of Contents plugin:

  1. Install and activate the plugin: On the WordPress dashboard, click “Plugins” and then “Add the New”. Find “Easy Table of Contents” and then click “Install Now”. After installation then select “Activate”.
  2. Setup Plugin Settings: Click on “Settings” >> “Table of Contents” to alter the settings of your plugin. It is possible to select which heading levels you want to use as well as specifying the minimum number of headings you want to include, and much further.
  3. Add Table of Contents: Within the WordPress editor, put your cursor in the area you wish the table of content to be displayed. Then click to click the “Insert Table of Contents” button located in the editor toolbar.
  4. Modify the appearance: If desired you want to alter the look for the tables of content with CSS. The plugin offers classes and IDs that allow for simple design.

Easy Table of Contents plugin can automatically create an index of material with anchor links that are based on the headings of your website. If a visitor clicks one of the links within the table of contents the page will smoothly move through the section that corresponds to it.

A plugin can simplify the process of creating anchor links. It also ensures an even, skillful appearance across your web site.

For the perfect use of the anchor links you have for your WordPress website, follow these suggestions and perfect methods in mind

  1. Use descriptive anchor text: In designing anchor links, you should utilize clear and concise texts that accurately represent what is the material of the section linked. It allows users to understand the direction the hyperlink will lead the user.
  2. Check for Visibility: Verify that your anchor hyperlinks are accessible and distinct from ordinary text. The anchor links can be styled using CSS to design them in a different way like through together a distinctive color or by underlining their text.
  3. Link Positioning intuitively: Make anchor links in logical locations like in the upper right-hand corner of a page’s table of contents or over long sections. It makes them easier to locate and utilize.
  4. Utilize Anchor Links sparingly: While anchor links can be useful, you shouldn’t use them too often. Use them only in situations where they actually increase navigation and experience for users. A lot of anchor links could overflow your site and confuse users.
  5. Examine your Anchor Link: Once you’ve added anchor links, make sure to test them carefully to warrant they function properly and that they jump correctly to the desired position. Anchor links that have been misdirected or broken are a source of frustration for users.
  6. Optimize SEO: when creating anchor text, you should use pertinent keywords that are relevant to the material. This could give some SEO benefits in helping search engines recognize the significance and context to your material.

If you follow these excellent techniques, you can definitely include anchor links in your WordPress website and deliver an improved experience for visitors.

When adding anchor links to WordPress is usually easy however, there are some typical difficulties. There are several possible issues and solutions

  1. Anchor Link Isn’t Functioning: If the anchor link you are using does not appear to jump to the proper place, check to warrant that the ID attribute on your anchor corresponds to the hyperlink attribute of the link in exactly. Verify that there aren’t any errors or missing spaces.
  2. Anchor Link Showing as Raw HTML: When the anchor link you’ve chosen to display in raw HTML code, instead of being an actual clickable link, warrant that you’re together the proper HTML syntax. The tag needs to be shut and the the href attribute must be properly set.
  3. plugin conflicts: When you’re with the plugin that allows you to create anchor links, and you’re having problems that aren’t working, it could be because of conflicts with other plugins or with your WordPress theme. It is possible to deactivate various plugins in order in order to pinpoint the source of the issue. If the problem persists contact the creator of the plugin to get assistance.
  4. Anchor Links Do Not Have Smooth scrolling: The default behavior is that click on anchor links will immediately take you to the link. If you’d prefer an effect that is smooth and fluid then you could attain this using a small amount of CSS as well as JavaScript. Here’s a simple CSS code snippet to enable smooth scrolling:
  5. html { scroll-behavior: smooth; }For more advanced smooth scrolling options, consider using a smooth scrolling plugin like Smooth Scroll.

If you’re still having trouble with anchor links in WordPress, consult the WordPress Codex or seek help from the WordPress support forums.


Anchor links can be a useful instrument for improving the user experience and navigation for your WordPress website. In allowing users to easily navigate to particular areas of the page anchor links help will make your material easier to access, more engaging and accessible to users.

In this article we’ve provided all that you should learn about the addition of HTML anchor links to WordPress. We’ve discussed the benefits from together anchor links, offered the steps to add anchor links manually or using plugins. We’ve also shared desirable methods for implementing them successfully and troubleshooting common problems.

If you incorporate anchor links into your WordPress site, you’ll be able to rise your site’s user-friendliness as well as reduce bounce rates and bring an improved overall experience for visitors. Start adding anchor links on your blog posts and pages now and notice the impact that they make.

For more information on anchor links and WordPress navigation, check out the following resources:

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