How to Exclude a Category From a WordPress Page

by Montel Anthony

WordPress is an extremely powerful material management system that lets users to categorize their material together categorizing your material into categories. But there will be times that you may want to block specific categories from being displayed on particular websites. It could be to simplify the flow of your material, boost user experience or even to improve SEO goals, knowing ways to block a specific section from the WordPress site can prove to be extremely helpful.

This comprehensive guide we’ll explore different ways on How to Exclude a Category From a WordPress Page. This guide covers all aspects of together plugins to coding custom methods, so you’ll have all the details you require to choose the accurate decision for your site.

Understanding WordPress Categories

What Are WordPress Categories?

WordPress categories are a crucial element of organizing material on your site. They benefit in bringing related content in a way that makes it simpler for visitors to discover material that they like. They are hierarchical in nature, which means that you may have both parent and child categories adding an extra layer of organizational structure.

As an example, if you own an online food site You could have categories such as “Recipes,” “Restaurant Reviews,” and “Cooking Tips.” under “Recipes,” you could create subcategories, such as “Desserts,” “Main Courses,” and “Appetizers.”

Why Would You Want to Exclude a Category?

There are many reasons you may want to remove an area from your WordPress website:

  1. Enhances User Experience Eliminating irrelevant categories could make your site simpler to use.
  2. SEO Advantages Concentrating on certain areas will benefit boost your website’s SEO by cutting down on duplicate material and enhancing keyword targetting.
  3. Content Management The problem is that you may have categories which are specific to specific sections on your website. Separating them from other sections could benefit maintain your material well-organized.

Understanding the significance of categorizing your site and the rationales to exclude these, you will be able to be more knowledgeable about the excellent way to run your WordPress website definitely.

How to exclude a category from a WordPress page

How to use WordPress plugins

The use of plugins is one of the easiest methods to remove a WordPress category. The plugins have a simple interface that requires minimal technical expertise. These are the top plugins to use for this:

The Best Plugins for Excluding Categories

  1. Ultimate Categories Excluder This plugin lets you easily remove categories from your front page, archive, search results, and feeds.
  2. Hide Post Plugin: This plugin is primarily designed to hide specific posts. It also allows you to exclude certain categories.
  3. Categories Excluder is a simple plugin which allows you to exclude certain categories from your main loop, RSS Feeds and Archives.

The Pros and Con of using Plugins


  • Easy to Use: no coding is required.
  • Quick Configuration: This can be done in minutes.
  • Regular updates Most plugins will be updated regularly to make sure they are compatible with the newest WordPress versions.


  • Performance impact Too many plug-ins will slow your website down.
  • Dependency : If you rely on plug-ins, then updates and support are provided by third parties.

A Step-byStep Guide for Using a Plug-In

We’ll walk you through how to use the Ultimate Category Excluder WordPress plugin to remove a specific category.

  1. Install the Plugin and activate it :
    • You will be taken to the WordPress Dashboard.
    • Click on plugins and then Add New.
    • Look for the “Ultimate category excluder.”
    • Then click Active.
  2. Configure Plugin Settings :
    • Click on settings > category excluder after activation.
    • Checkboxes will appear next to all of your categories.
    • Select the category you wish to remove from your front page, archive, search, or feed.
    • To save changes, click Update.

Following these simple steps will allow you to exclude specific categories without having to use any code.

Excluding Categories via Custom Code

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, custom coding offers greater flexibility and control. Here are two methods to exclude categories using custom code:

Adding Code to Your Theme’s Functions.php File

The functions.php file is a theme-specific file that allows you to add custom PHP code to your WordPress site. Here’s how you can use it to exclude categories:

  1. Access the Functions.php File:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor.
    • Select the functions.php file from the list on the right.
  2. Add Custom Code:
    • Copy and paste the following code snippet into the functions.php file:
function exclude_category_from_home($query) {
    if ($query->is_home() && $query->is_main_query()) {
        $query->set('cat', '-1,-2'); // Replace -1 and -2 with the IDs of the categories you want to exclude
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_from_home');
  1. Save Changes:
    • Click Update File to save your changes.

This code snippet modifies the main query to exclude categories with IDs 1 and 2 from the homepage. You can find the category IDs by going to Posts > Categories and hovering over the category names.

H3: Using a Child Theme for Custom Code

Using a child theme is a safer way to add custom code, as it prevents your changes from being overwritten when the parent theme is updated.

  1. Create a Child Theme:
    • Create a new folder in the wp-content/themes directory.
    • Inside this folder, create a style.css file with the following content:
 Theme Name:   Your Child Theme Name
 Template:     parent-theme-folder-name
  • Create a functions.php file in the same folder and add the custom code snippet mentioned earlier.
  1. Activate the Child Theme:
    • Go to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Activate your newly created child theme.

By using a child theme, you ensure that your custom code remains intact even after updating the parent theme.

Excluding Categories in WordPress Queries

WordPress queries are responsible for fetching and displaying content on your site. By modifying these queries, you can exclude specific categories from appearing.

Modifying the Main Query

The main query is the default query that WordPress uses to display content. Here’s how to modify it to exclude categories:

  1. Access the Functions.php File:
    • Go to Appearance > Theme Editor.
    • Select the functions.php file.
  2. Add Custom Code:
    • Copy and paste the following code snippet:
function exclude_category_from_main_query($query) {
    if ($query->is_main_query() && !is_admin()) {
        $query->set('cat', '-3,-4'); // Replace -3 and -4 with the IDs of the categories you want to exclude
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_from_main_query');
  1. Save Changes:
    • Click Update File to save your changes.

This code snippet excludes categories with IDs 3 and 4 from the main query, affecting all pages except the admin area.

Using WP_Query to Exclude Categories

The WP_Query class allows you to create custom queries for displaying content. Here’s how to use it to exclude categories:

  1. Create a Custom Query:
    • Open the template file where you want to display the custom query (e.g., index.php or archive.php).
  2. Add Custom Code:
    • Copy and paste the following code snippet:
$args = array(
    'category__not_in' => array(5, 6), // Replace 5 and 6 with the IDs of the categories you want to exclude
$custom_query = new WP_Query($args);

if ($custom_query->have_posts()) :
    while ($custom_query->have_posts()) : $custom_query->the_post();
        // Your loop code here
else :
    echo 'No posts found';

This code snippet creates a custom query that excludes categories with IDs 5 and 6. You can place this code in any template file to display the filtered content.

Advanced Techniques to Exclude Categories

Excluding categories from specific pages or posts

You may sometimes want to exclude certain categories from specific posts or pages rather than the entire site. You can achieve this using custom page templates and conditional tags.

Conditional tags in WordPress

The conditional tag is a function that allows you to determine when certain code will be executed depending on conditions. You can exclude certain categories from specific posts or pages by using conditional tags.

  1. The Conditional Tags:
    • is_page(): Determines whether the page currently displayed is one of a specified page.
    • is_single(): Determines whether the post currently displayed is one specific post.
    • is_category(): Determines whether the page currently displayed is an archive of categories.
  2. Add Custom Code:
    • Open the functions.php or relevant template files.
    • The following code is a snippet that you can copy and paste:
function exclude_category_on_specific_pages($query) {
    if ($query->is_main_query() && !is_admin()) {
        if (is_page('your-page-slug')) { // Replace 'your-page-slug' with the slug of your page
            $query->set('cat', '-7,-8'); // Replace -7 and -8 with the IDs of the categories you want to exclude
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_on_specific_pages');

This code snippet excludes categories with IDs 7 and 8 only on the specified page.

Using Custom Page Templates

Custom page templates allow you to create unique layouts and functionality for specific pages. Here’s how to create and use a custom page template to exclude categories:

  1. Create a Custom Page Template:
    • In your theme folder, create a new file (e.g., page-custom.php).
    • Add the following code to the top of the file:
Template Name: Custom Page Template

<!-- Your custom loop code here -->

<?php get_footer(); ?>
  1. Add Custom Loop Code:
    • Inside the custom page template, add the following code to exclude categories:
$args = array(
    'category__not_in' => array(9, 10), // Replace 9 and 10 with the IDs of the categories you want to exclude
$custom_query = new WP_Query($args);

if ($custom_query->have_posts()) :
    while ($custom_query->have_posts()) : $custom_query->the_post();
        // Your loop code here
else :
    echo 'No posts found';
  1. Assign the Custom Template to a Page:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Pages > Add New or edit an existing page.
    • In the Page Attributes section, select the custom template from the Template dropdown.
    • Publish or update the page.

By using custom page templates, you can create tailored experiences for your visitors while excluding specific categories.

Excluding Categories from RSS Feeds

RSS feeds are a great way to syndicate your content, but there may be times when you want to exclude certain categories from appearing in your feeds.

Why Exclude Categories from RSS Feeds?

Excluding categories from RSS feeds can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Content Control: Ensure only relevant content is syndicated.
  2. Subscriber Experience: Improve the experience for your subscribers by filtering out less relevant posts.
  3. SEO: Prevent duplicate content issues by excluding certain categories from being indexed by feed readers.

How to Exclude Categories from RSS Feeds

Here’s how you can exclude categories from your RSS feeds using custom code:

  1. Access the Functions.php File:
    • Go to Appearance > Theme Editor.
    • Select the functions.php file.
  2. Add Custom Code:
    • Copy and paste the following code snippet:
function exclude_category_from_rss($query) {
    if ($query->is_feed()) {
        $query->set('cat', '-11,-12'); // Replace -11 and -12 with the IDs of the categories you want to exclude
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_from_rss');
  1. Save Changes:
    • Click Update File to save your changes.

This code snippet excludes categories with IDs 11 and 12 from your RSS feeds, ensuring that only the desired content is syndicated.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Common Problems When Excluding Categories

The removal of categories by removing them from WordPress pages could cause unexpected problems. Below are a few common issues as well as solutions for them:

Categories Still Appearing After Exclusion

If you’re still seeing categories even after you’ve removed them, think about the following suggestions:

  1. Cache Problems Clear your website’s cache as well as the browser’s cache.
  2. Conflicts with plugins Deactivate the other plugins to determine the possibility of conflict.
  3. incorrect category IDs Check the IDs for categories you’ve entered in your plugin or code setting.

Plugin Conflicts and Compatibility Issues

The plugins may sometimes clash between each other or the themes. How to spot and address these issues:

  1. Remove all plugins Remove the plugins, and then activate them all at once to determine the plugin that is conflicting.
  2. Verify for Updates Check that your themes and plugins are updated.
  3. Check the documentation of the plugin Check the plugin’s documentation, or its the support forums to discuss difficulties and solutions.

Custom Code Not Working

If the custom code you’ve created doesn’t work, try the following troubleshooting suggestions:

  1. Syntax Errors: Double-check your code for syntax errors.
  2. Proper Placement Make sure the HTML0 code is located within the right directory and file.
  3. Debugging Debugging tools such as WP_DEBUG for identifying the issues.

Best Practices for Managing WordPress Categories

Organizing Your Categories Effectively

A well-organized category management system can dramatically increase your site’s accessibility as well as SEO. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Create the Logical Structure Create a Logical Structure: Make use of both categories for children and parents to build an orderly system.
  2. Utilize descriptive names Use categories that define the material.
  3. Limit the number of Categories Beware of creating multiple categories that could confuse people and weaken SEO efforts.

Regularly Reviewing and Updating Categories

Reviewing and updating regularly your categories will assure they are appropriate and relevant:

  1. Check Your Categories Review your categories in order to assure they are still in line in line with the material strategy.
  2. Combine or delete irrelevant Categories Combining like categories, or remove the ones that aren’t required.
  3. Change Category Descriptions Make sure that category descriptions are up-to current.


Summary of How to Exclude a Category From a WordPress Page

In this thorough guide, we’ve looked at various ways to block a particular section from the WordPress website. From together plugins or custom code options, there are diverse alternatives to pick from according to your knowledge of technical issues and the requirements of your site.

Final Tips and Recommendations:

  • Try it out Be open to experiment with different techniques to determine what is the excellent on your site.
  • Backup Make sure to backup your web site prior to making any major adjustments.
  • Keep Up-to-date Maintain your WordPress themes, themes and plugins current in order to assure safety and compatibility.

Additional Resources

Useful Plugins and Tools

Further Reading and Tutorials

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