Get Indexed Faster: How to Use IndexNow on WordPress

by Montel Anthony

IndexNow by Microsoft offers an innovative SEO initiative which has revolutionized search engine indexing: it instantly informs Bing, Yandex and potentially Google of any updates or modifications on WordPress sites, bypassing what could normally take days or even weeks for content discovery to appear online. Not only is IndexNow efficient; its use also complements SEO best practices. Traditional sitemaps can enhance SEO results.

Adopting IndexNow for your WordPress website could be a game-changer, providing you with faster indexing and therefore quicker SEO outcomes. This article will guide you through how to use IndexNow on WordPress, covering the installation of the IndexNow plugin to configuring it for optimal performance. You’ll also find insights on verifying IndexNow integration and troubleshooting tips to ensure smooth operation. Whether you’re aiming to improve how to index your website on Google or leverage Bing and Yandex’s capabilities, understanding how to use IndexNow and its API could significantly boost your site’s SEO performance.

What is IndexNow?

IndexNow is a modern, open-source protocol initiated by Microsoft Bing, designed to expedite the process of updating search engines about changes to websites’ content. This innovative
technology significantly enhances the efficiency of web indexing and SEO practices, offering numerous advantages to web publishers.

Understanding the Mechanics of IndexNow

  1. Push Indexing Methodology: Unlike traditional pull indexing, where search engines crawl the web to find updates, IndexNow uses a push approach. This means that when your website has new or updated content, your content management system (CMS) actively notifies the search engines, rather than waiting for them to discover the changes.
  2. Real-Time Updates Across Search Engines: When you submit a URL update through IndexNow to any participating search engine, the information is simultaneously shared with all other search engines that support the IndexNow protocol. This unified approach ensures that all updates are reflected across multiple platforms without the need for multiple submissions.
  3. Efficient and Energy-Saving: By reducing the frequency and number of crawls that search engines need to perform, IndexNow not only speeds up the indexing process but also cuts
    down on server load and energy consumption, making it an environmentally friendly option.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Instant Indexing: As soon as changes are made to your website, IndexNow allows for immediate notification to search engines, which can then quickly index the new or updated content.
  • API Key Integration: To use IndexNow, you generate an API key which is placed in your website’s root directory. This key verifies your authority to submit URLs for indexing.
  • Wide Acceptance Among Search Engines: Initially adopted by Bing and Yandex, IndexNow’s efficiency has led to its testing and potential adoption by other major search engines, including Google.
  • Scalability: You can notify search engines of up to 10,000 URLs in a single API call, making this protocol highly effective for large sites with frequent updates.

Practical Usage

When implementing IndexNow, you’ll start by generating and hosting an API key on your server. Following this, you can submit URLs along with necessary parameters through the Bing
Webmaster Tools portal or similar interfaces provided by other participating search engines. This process ensures that the latest changes to your site are quickly indexed, helping your content compete more effectively for top positions in search engine results.

By integrating IndexNow, web publishers can significantly enhance their site’s visibility and searchability, leading to better SEO outcomes and a more efficient web ecosystem.

Benefits of Using IndexNow for WordPress Sites

Immediate Content Indexing

  1. Rapid Update-to-Index Time: With IndexNow, the gap between content updates and their discovery by search engines is virtually eliminated. This means your updates are Indexed almost instantly across all participating search engines, enhancing the visibility of your WordPress site.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency in Web Crawling: IndexNow informs search engines about updates directly, which means search engine bots do not need to crawl your site as frequently to check for updates. This reduces the load on your server and saves bandwidth, making your website more efficient.

Reduced Resource Consumption

  • Decreased Energy Usage: By minimizing the need for constant crawling, IndexNow contributes to reduced energy consumption on both your server and the search engines’ part. This not only makes your website greener but also helps in cutting down operational costs.
  • Optimized Server Performance: Since search engines are directly notified about changes, there is less strain on your website’s resources, leading to better overall performance and

SEO and Visibility Improvements

  1. Faster SEO Results: By speeding up the indexing process, IndexNow helps your content to rank quicker on search engines. This rapid visibility can be particularly beneficial for time-
    sensitive content such as news articles or limited-time offers.
  2. Broader Search Engine Reach: Implementing IndexNow on your WordPress site not only improves visibility on traditional search engines like Bing and potentially Google but also on
    alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo and Ecosia, which are part of the IndexNow protocol.

Practical Integration and Scalability

  • Ease of Integration with Yoast SEO: For WordPress users, integrating IndexNow is streamlined as platforms like Yoast SEO Premium automatically utilize the IndexNow API. This simplifies the process for webmasters, allowing them to focus on content creation rather than technical integrations.
  • Scalable for All Website Sizes: Whether your site is small with few updates or a large e-commerce platform with frequent changes, IndexNow scales to meet your needs. It supports the submission of up to 10,000 URLs per API call, making it ideal for sites with extensive content.

Strategic Advantages

  • Complementary Use with Sitemaps: IndexNow does not replace the need for sitemaps but works alongside them. This dual approach ensures a competitive edge in SEO, as it covers both proactive and reactive search engine indexing strategies.
  • Prioritization of Indexed Content: By using IndexNow, you signal to search engines that specific updates are important, leading them to prioritize these over other content that might be queued for crawling.

Utilizing IndexNow on your WordPress site not only streamlines how search engines discover content but also brings about significant improvements in site performance and user experience.
By adopting this technology, you ensure that your site stays ahead in the fast-paced digital landscape, where speed and efficiency are key.

How To Install the IndexNow Plugin

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the IndexNow Plugin

Step 1: Log In and Navigate to Plugins
First, log in to the WordPress admin panel of your site. Navigate to the sidebar and click on Plugins > Add New.

Step 2: Install the IndexNow Plugin
In the “Add New” section, use the search bar to look for the “IndexNow Plugin.” Once you find it, click on Install Now. This plugin, developed by Microsoft Bing, facilitates the automated
submission of URLs from your WordPress site to multiple search engines.

Step 3: Activate the Plugin
After installation, a button labeled Activate will appear. Click on it to enable the IndexNow plugin on your WordPress site. This activation is crucial as it allows the plugin to start functioning immediately.

Step 4: Configuration
Go to the IndexNow admin page on your WordPress dashboard and click on Let’s Get Started!. This will guide you through the initial setup process, including API key generation which is automatically hosted on your website, simplifying the process.

Step 5: Additional Plugin Options
If you are using a different SEO plugin that does not support IndexNow by default:

  • You may need to install the IndexNow Utility Plugin. Search for “IndexNow” in the plugin search bar, install and activate it.
  • Navigate to the Feature Manager of your current SEO plugin and activate the IndexNow feature if available.

Method 2: Using All-in-One SEO Plugin

If you prefer using a comprehensive SEO solution, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the All-in-One SEO website and select a plan that suits your needs.
  2. Download the All-in-One SEO plugin and copy the provided license key.
  3. Back in your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New, upload the downloaded plugin file, install, and activate it.
  4. In the plugin’s Feature Manager, activate the IndexNow feature to start benefiting from instant indexing capabilities.

Verifying and Troubleshooting

Once installed and activated:

  • The IndexNow plugin automatically detects page creation, updates, or deletions and submits the URLs to supported search engines in the background.
  • To verify that IndexNow is properly integrated, look for real-time updates in your Bing Webmaster Tools or any other search engine dashboards that support IndexNow.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your WordPress site is equipped with IndexNow, enhancing your site’s visibility and indexing speed across multiple search engines. This setup not only boosts SEO performance but also reduces the resource load on your server.

How To Configure IndexNow in WordPress

Method 1: Configuring IndexNow Using AIOSEO Plugin

1. Install and Activate AIOSEO Plugin:

  • Visit the official All-in-One SEO (AIOSEO) website and select a suitable plan.
  • After purchasing, download the AIOSEO Pro plugin and copy the provided license key.
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New, and upload the downloaded plugin file.
  • Click on Install and then Activate to enable the AIOSEO plugin on your site.

2. Enable IndexNow Feature:

  • Once activated, navigate to AIOSEO > Feature Manager from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Locate the IndexNow feature and use the toggle button to activate it.
  • A green tick will appear, indicating that the IndexNow feature is fully operational and turned on.

3. Verify IndexNow Activation:

  • To ensure that IndexNow is properly configured, check the API key in the IndexNow settings within the AIOSEO plugin.
  • This key should match the ownership of your domain, confirming that URLs can be submitted correctly.

Method 2: Configuring IndexNow Using the IndexNow Plugin

1. Install the IndexNow Plugin:

  • In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for “IndexNow Plugin” and click on Install Now followed by Activate.

2. Generate and Host the API Key:

  • After activation, the plugin automatically generates an API key and hosts it in the root directory of your website.
  • This key is crucial as it verifies your authority to submit URLs to search engines.

3. Automatic URL Submission Settings:

  • The IndexNow plugin detects any creation, update, or deletion of pages and automatically submits the URLs in the background.
  • You can toggle the automatic submission feature on or off based on your preference.

4. Manual URL Submission and Monitoring:

  • If needed, manually submit a URL to IndexNow through the plugin’s interface.
  • View and download the list of recent URL submissions for analysis and track the status of successful and failed submissions.
  • Retry any failed submissions directly from the recent submissions list.

By following these steps, you can configure IndexNow on your WordPress site using either the AIOSEO plugin or the dedicated IndexNow plugin. This setup enhances your site’s visibility and indexing speed, ensuring that your content is quickly discoverable by search engines.

Verifying IndexNow Integration and Troubleshooting Tips

Verify IndexNow Integration

To confirm that IndexNow is properly integrated into your WordPress site, follow these steps:

1. Check Bing Webmaster Tools:

  • Log into your Bing Webmaster Tools account.
  • Navigate to the URL Inspection tool.
  • Enter the URL of a recently updated page to see if it has been recognized and indexed by Bing.

2. Inspect the Source Code:

  • Right-click on your website and select “View Page Source.”
  • Search for the presence of the IndexNow API key within the code to confirm it’s correctly installed.

3. Monitor URL Submissions:

  • Access the IndexNow settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Review the logs for successful URL submissions to ensure that updates are being communicated to search engines.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues with IndexNow on your WordPress site, consider these troubleshooting steps:

1. Submission Errors:

  • If a URL submission fails, check if the URL is correctly formatted and retry the submission.
  • Ensure that you are not exceeding the submission frequency limits to avoid HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) errors.

2. Delayed Indexing:

  • While IndexNow communicates changes to search engines, indexing might still take some time. Be patient and check back later to see if the indexing has occurred.
  • Avoid resubmitting the same URLs multiple times a day; this could delay the process further.

3. API Key Issues:

  • Verify that the API key in your site’s root directory matches the one configured in the IndexNow plugin settings.
  • If the key is incorrect or missing, regenerate the key from the IndexNow plugin and ensure it is correctly placed.

4. Editing Frequency:

  • If your pages are edited frequently, wait at least 10 minutes between edits before notifying search engines through IndexNow to ensure that all changes are captured.

5. Handling Redirects and Dead Links:

  • Submit URLs that are newly redirecting (e.g., 301, 302 redirects) to inform search engines about the change.
  • Notify search engines about dead links (404, 410 statuses) to keep your site’s index fresh and accurate.

By following these verification steps and troubleshooting tips, you can effectively manage and optimize the IndexNow integration on your WordPress site, ensuring that your content is swiftly indexed and visible on search engines.


While exploring the IndexNow protocol and how it integrates with WordPress, we provided an in-depth guide for increasing indexing speed and SEO performance on websites. IndexNow brings real-time updates to search engines allowing faster content discovery and indexing by search engines as well as efficient crawling with reduced resource consumption resulting in significant advances for both SEO outcomes as well as efficiency of web crawling processes and consumption, leading to significant advancements both SEO outcomes as well as efficiency gains for website visibility and resource consumption outcomes resulting in tangible benefits on both fronts.
Conservation is of vital importance.

As we draw to a close, it is imperative to emphasize the strategic benefits IndexNow can bring to WordPress websites– from immediate content indexing through to scalability and enhanced server performance. Adopting IndexNow should be seen as a wise step by any webmaster seeking to optimize search engine visibility and performance while contributing toward creating a sustainable digital ecosystem. Our advice herein serves as a roadmap towards seamlessly incorporating IndexNow with your WordPress site in an ever-evolving digital sphere.

FAQs on How to Use IndexNow on WordPress

1. How do I set up the IndexNow plugin on my WordPress site?

To set up the IndexNow plugin, first activate it, then navigate to “Settings” and select “IndexNow” within your WordPress dashboard. Click on ‘Get Started Now’ to have the plugin automatically create your API key and complete the configuration. You will then be able to view IndexNow statistics, including the number of successful URL submissions.

2. Is it beneficial to use IndexNow for my website?

Yes, utilizing IndexNow can lead to quicker indexing and improved ranking opportunities. It’s essential for SEO and web administrators to use this tool as it can accelerate SEO results and enhance user experience, both of which are crucial for achieving better search rankings.

3. What steps should I take to get my WordPress site indexed by search engines?

To get your WordPress site indexed by Google, you should:

  • Ensure your WordPress settings allow search engine visibility.
  • Submit your site to Google Search Console.
  • Create an XML Sitemap.
  • Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console. 
  • Use the IndexNow protocol.
  • Optimize your robots.txt file.
  • Review and remove any noindex tags.
  • Eliminate nofollow links from your site.

4. What does instant indexing mean for WordPress sites?

Instant indexing for WordPress sites means that any updates or changes to your content are reflected in search engine results almost immediately. This feature ensures that your content is prioritized, which can lead to more clicks and potentially improved search rankings due to the freshness of the content.

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