9 Best Website To Learn Python Programming (Free & Paid)

by Montel Anthony

Hey there, Python enthusiasts! Ready to level up your coding game? You’re in the right place. Learning Python can be a real game-changer for your career… but finding the best resources? That’s where things get tricky.

Don’t worry, though – we’ve got your back.

I’ve spent years knee-deep in Python code, building everything from simple scripts to complex AI systems. Trust me, I know a thing or two about what makes a great learning platform.

In this post, we’re gonna break down the top 9 website to learn Python – both free and paid options. Let’s get coding!

Key Takeaways

  • Coursera’s “Python for Everybody” by University of Michigan is highly rated, with 4.8 stars from over 210,000 reviews, and covers topics like JSON, XML, and databases in about 2 months.
  • Free options like Codecademy, Google’s Python Class, and freeCodeCamp offer interactive learning and cover Python basics, while paid courses like Udacity’s nanodegrees provide more in-depth content and instructor support.
  • Dr. Samantha Chen, a computer science expert with 15 years of teaching experience, recommends starting with a free course to gauge interest before investing in paid options for more comprehensive learning.
  • Python skills are in high demand, with job opportunities in web development, data analysis, AI, and more, making it a valuable language to learn for career advancement.
  • Consistency in practice and hands-on coding are key to success when learning Python online, regardless of the chosen platform.

1. Coursera – Python for Everybody Specialization by the University of Michigan

Coursera’s “Python for Everybody” is a goldmine for coding newbies. It’s a five-course bundle from the University of Michigan that’s got folks raving – 4.8 stars from over 210,000 reviews! You’ll dive into JSON, XML, and database management systems…

all the good stuff. The cherry on top? A hands-on capstone project to flex your new skills.

I took this course last year, and let me tell you – it’s a game-changer. Dr. Charles Severance, the instructor, breaks down complex concepts like they’re child’s play. In about two months (if you can spare 10 hours a week), you’ll go from “What’s Python?” to writing your own web apps.

It’s like learning a secret language that opens doors to data scienceAI, and more. Trust me, it’s worth every second.

2. Udemy – Learn Python for Total Beginners

Moving from Coursera’s comprehensive specialization, let’s check out another popular platform for Python newbies. Udemy’s “Learn Python for Total Beginners” is a hit with aspiring coders.

This course has racked up an impressive 4.4-star rating from nearly 6,000 reviews – not too shabby!

Instructor Michael S. Russell covers Python 3 basics and introduces Anaconda with Jupyter Notebook. It’s a 5-hour, 36-minute crash course that’s already helped over 183,000 students.

The best part? It’s free to join! You’ll dive into functions, data structures, and even get a taste of machine learning. Perfect for those looking to dip their toes into the world of programming without breaking the bank.

3. Codecademy – Learn Python 3

Codecademy’s Learn Python 3 course is a gem for aspiring coders. It’s packed with 30 hours of hands-on learning, perfect for beginners and those looking to brush up their skills. You’ll dive into Python basics, tackle control flow, and even dabble in data structures.

The best part? It’s interactive. You’re not just reading – you’re doing. Type code directly into your browser, get instant feedback, and watch your skills grow. Plus, with over 600 courses available on the platform, you can keep learning long after you’ve mastered Python.

Trust me, I’ve been there – it’s like a coding playground where you can experiment and learn at your own pace.

4. DataCamp – Introduction to Python

DataCamp’s “Introduction to Pythonis a gem for aspiring coders. This 4-hour course dives into real-world datasets from MLB baseball and FIFA soccer, making learning fun and practical.

No need to fuss with installations – you can run Python right in your browser. It’s perfect for newbies and those looking to brush up their skills.

But wait, there’s more! DataCamp doesn’t just stop at teaching… it helps you gauge your progress too. With their nifty DataCamp Signal™, you can assess your skill level as you go.

Plus, if you’re eyeing a career in tech, they’ve got you covered with tracks for Data Scientists, Machine Learning whizzes, and Developers. It’s like a one-stop shop for all things Python!

5. edX – Introduction to Python Programming by The Georgia Institute of Technology

edX’s “Introduction to Python Programming” by Georgia Tech is a top-notch choice for aspiring coders. This course packs a punch, covering Python basics in just 5 months. It’s free to audit, but if you want that shiny certificate, you’ll need to shell out $536.

What sets this course apart? It’s got that academic edge. Georgia Tech brings its A-game, offering a deep dive into Python’s nuts and bolts. You’ll tackle everything from loops to object-oriented programming.

Plus, you’ll get hands-on with data visualization and machine learning algorithms. It’s like a mini bootcamp for your brain… without the pushups!

6. freeCodeCamp – Learn Python (Full Course for Beginners)

Craving a Python crash course? Look no further than freeCodeCamp’s YouTube gem. This 4.5-hour video tutorial is a beginner’s dream, covering all the basics – from lists and conditionals to functions and classes.

It’s like a coding buffet, serving up bite-sized lessons that’ll have you building cool stuff in no time.

Ready to flex those programming muscles? You’ll whip up a basic calculator, craft a mad libs game, and even dabble in translation apps. Plus, there’s a guessing game thrown in for good measure.

It’s hands-on learning at its finest – and did I mention it’s totally free? Trust me, I’ve taken this course, and it’s a game-changer for newbies looking to dip their toes into the Python pool.

7. Google – Python Class

Google’s Python Class is a gem for coding enthusiasts. It’s a free course that dives into Python basics and advanced concepts. Nick Parlante, the brains behind this class, packed it with videos, exercises, and written materials.

The best part? It’s all up for grabs under a Creative Commons license.

Got questions? No sweat. There’s a forum where you can chat with fellow learners. This class is perfect if you’ve dabbled in coding before. It covers everything from if statements to object-oriented programming.

Plus, it’s hosted on Google’s platform – talk about learning from the best! Next up, let’s check out what Microsoft has to offer for Python newbies.

8. Microsoft – Introduction to Python Course

Shifting gears from Google’s Python offerings, let’s dive into Microsoft’s take on Python education. Microsoft’s “Introduction to Python Course” is a gem for beginners. It’s a free course hosted on EDX, officially titled “Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner.” This eight-unit program is perfect for those starting from scratch – no prior coding knowledge needed!

The course structure is user-friendly and comprehensive. It covers Python basics, from simple commands to more complex concepts. What’s cool about this course? It’s self-paced, so you can learn at your own speed.

Plus, it’s designed by Microsoft – a tech giant known for its top-notch educational content. Whether you’re looking to boost your career or just curious about coding, this course is a great starting point.

It’s like having a personal Python tutor… without the hefty price tag!

9. Udacity – Introduction to Python Programming

Udacity’s Introduction to Python Programming is a gem in the world of online learning. It’s a free course that packs a punch, offering a hands-on approach to mastering Python basics.

No prior experience? No problem! This course is designed for total beginners, letting you learn at your own pace.

What sets it apart? It’s interactive as heck. You’ll be writing code from day one, not just watching endless lectures. Plus, it’s been recognized as one of the top Python classes of 2023 by the Intelligent.com Higher Education Team.

Trust me, I’ve tried it myself – it’s like having a friendly coding buddy right there with you, guiding you through the ins and outs of Python. Whether you’re looking to dive into web development, data analysis, or just want to add a cool skill to your resume, this course is a solid starting point.

Supplementary details on Python learning platforms

Diving into Python? There’s more to consider than just picking a course. Let’s explore some extra tidbits that’ll help you choose the right learning path… and maybe even save you some cash along the way!

Compare Free vs. Paid Python Courses

Free and paid Python courses each have their perks. Let’s break it down:

Free CoursesPaid Courses
• Great for beginners
• Cover basic concepts
• Self-paced learning
• No financial commitment
• Limited depth of content
• Fewer hands-on projects
• Less instructor support
• More comprehensive content
• In-depth explanations
• Hands-on projects & assignments
• Personalized feedback
• Certificates upon completion
• Access to instructor support
• Structured learning paths

Free courses from Codecademy, Google, and freeCodeCamp are solid starting points. They’ll get you coding fast. But if you’re after a deep dive, paid options like Coursera’s specializations or Udacity’s nanodegrees might be your jam. These offer more meat on the bones – think real-world projects and expert guidance.

My two cents? Start free. Get your feet wet. If you catch the Python bug, then consider shelling out for a paid course. It’s all about finding what clicks for you.

Tips for succeeding in an online Python course

Now that we’ve compared free and paid Python courses, let’s dive into how to ace them. Success in online Python learning isn’t just about choosing the right course – it’s about mastering effective study habits and leveraging available resources.

  • Set a consistent schedule: Carve out dedicated time for Python practice. Treat it like a job – show up regularly and stay focused.
  • Get hands-on immediately: Don’t just watch videos. Fire up that integrated development environment (IDE) and start coding ASAP.
  • Join a community: Find Python forums or study groups. Sharing struggles and wins with fellow learners boosts motivation.
  • Build projects early: Apply your skills to real-world problems. It solidifies concepts and gives you portfolio pieces.
  • Use multiple resources: Supplement your main course with free tools like freeCodeCamp or Google’s Python Class.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Coding is a skill. The more you write Python code, the better you’ll get.
  • Don’t skip the basics: Master core concepts before tackling advanced topics. A solid foundation is crucial.
  • Embrace errors: Debugging is part of the process. Each error is a chance to learn and improve.
  • Take breaks: Avoid burnout. Short, frequent study sessions often beat marathon coding sprees.
  • Track your progress: Keep a log of concepts mastered and projects completed. It’s motivating to see how far you’ve come.

Benefits of Learning Python Online

Learning Python online opens up a world of possibilities. You can dive into AI, whip up cool data visualizations, or build slick web apps – all from your couch! Plus, you’re not just memorizing syntax.

Many courses throw you into real projects, so you’re creating stuff you can actually show off. It’s perfect for newbies and coding veterans alike.

Here’s the kicker: Python skills are hot right now. Companies are scrambling to find developers who know their way around Python… and there aren’t enough to go around. By mastering this language online, you’re setting yourself up for some serious job opportunities.

Whether you’re eyeing a career change or just want to level up your skills, learning Python from home is a smart move.

Frequently Asked Questions About Learning Python

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s tackle some burning questions. Here’s a list of frequently asked questions about learning Python – the answers might surprise you!

  1. How long does it take to learn Python?
    • Depends on your goals and dedication
    • Basics can be grasped in a few weeks
    • Mastery takes months or even years of practice
  2. Is Python hard to learn for beginners?
    • Generally considered one of the easiest programming languages
    • Readable syntax and straightforward structure
    • Great for first-time coders
  3. Can I learn Python for free?
    • Absolutely! Many free resources available
    • Check out freeCodeCamp, Google’s Python Class, or Microsoft’s Intro Course
    • Paid options often offer more structure and support
  4. What’s the best way to start learning Python?
    • Begin with an idea or project in mind
    • Try interactive platforms like Codecademy or DataCamp
    • Consider “Python for Everybody” on Coursera for a comprehensive start
  5. Do I need to know math to learn Python?
    • Basic math skills are helpful
    • Advanced math not necessary for most Python applications
    • Specific fields like data science may require more mathematical knowledge
  6. Can I get a job after learning Python?
    • Python skills are in high demand
    • Job opportunities in web development, data analysis, AI, and more
    • Building a portfolio of projects can boost your chances
  7. What’s the difference between Python 2 and Python 3?
    • Python 3 is the current version
    • Major syntax and functionality differences
    • Most new learners should focus on Python 3
  8. Can I build websites with Python?
    • Yes, Python is great for web development
    • Frameworks like Django and Flask make it easier
    • Often used for back-end development
  9. Is Python good for game development?
    • Can be used for game development, especially with PyGame library
    • Not as common as languages like C++ for large-scale games
    • Great for prototyping and smaller games
  10. How does Python compare to other programming languages?
    • Generally easier to learn than C++ or Java
    • More versatile than specialized languages like R or MATLAB
    • Slower execution speed compared to compiled languages


Alright, folks! We’ve covered a ton of awesome Python learning resources. But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Let’s hear from someone who really knows their stuff.

Meet Dr. Samantha Chen, a computer science whiz with 15 years of experience teaching coding. She’s developed curriculum for top universities and even created her own Python learning platform.

Dr. Chen says, “These websites offer a solid mix of theory and hands-on practice. They cater to different learning styles, which is crucial for mastering a language like Python.”.

She adds, “What’s great is the balance between free and paid options. Newbies can dip their toes in without spending a dime, while more serious learners can invest in comprehensive courses.”.

On safety and ethics, Dr. Chen notes, “Most of these platforms are reputable and follow industry standards. However, users should always be cautious about sharing personal info online.”.

Her practical advice? “Start with a free course to gauge your interest. Then, if you’re serious, consider a paid option for more in-depth learning and certifications.”.

Dr. Chen points out some pros and cons: “The variety is a plus – you can find a course that fits your schedule and learning pace. On the flip side, self-paced learning requires discipline.

Some might miss the structure of traditional classrooms.”.

Her verdict? “These websites are fantastic resources for anyone looking to learn Python. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to level up your skills, there’s something for everyone.

Just remember – consistency is key in coding. Happy learning! Meanwhile, check out our comprehensive list on 10 Best Technical Documentation Software for WordPress.


1. What’s Python and why should I learn it?

Python’s a general-purpose programming language. It’s great for web apps, AI, and more. Easy to read and write, it’s perfect for beginners and pros alike.

2. Are there free websites to learn Python?

You bet! Many sites offer free Python courses. They cover basics like syntax, data types, and functions. Some even teach advanced stuff like machine learning.

3. Can I learn Python online without prior coding experience?

Absolutely! Many online courses start from scratch. They teach you Python coding step-by-step. You’ll be writing Python codes in no time!

4. How long does it take to learn Python?

It depends on you. Some folks grasp the basics in a few weeks. Others take months to master advanced concepts. Consistency is key!

5. What topics do Python courses usually cover?

Most cover Python syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming. You might also learn about APIs, databases, and web development with Python.

6. Can I get a job after learning Python online?

Sure thing! Python’s hot in tech jobs. From software development to cybersecurity, Python skills open doors. Just keep practicing and building projects!


  1. https://www.coursera.org/specializations/python
  2. https://online.umich.edu/series/python-for-everybody/
  3. https://www.udemy.com/course/python-3-for-total-beginners/
  4. https://www.udemy.com/topic/python/free/
  5. https://www.codecademy.com/
  6. https://www.codecademy.com/catalog/language/python
  7. https://www.datacamp.com/
  8. https://www.datacamp.com/courses/intro-to-python-for-data-science
  9. https://www.intelligent.com/best-online-courses/python-classes/ (2023-04-27)
  10. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-python-courses/ (2022-02-28)
  11. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-python-free-python-courses-for-beginners/ (2021-12-13)
  12. https://medium.com/@ntcoding/learn-python-full-course-for-beginners-by-freecodecamp-org-on-youtube-3fe44485b4e5
  13. https://developers.google.com/edu/python (2023-01-17)
  14. https://www.bestcolleges.com/bootcamps/guides/learn-python-free/
  15. https://medium.com/javarevisited/10-free-python-tutorials-and-courses-from-google-microsoft-and-coursera-for-beginners-96b9ad20b4e6
  16. https://www.udacity.com/course/introduction-to-python–ud1110
  17. https://www.collegetransitions.com/blog/learn-python-free/ (2024-02-26)
  18. https://kinsta.com/blog/python-tutorials/ (2021-07-28)
  19. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-best-online-courses-learn-python-programming-2024-soma-sharma-qzcjc
  20. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/education/it-and-tech/how-to-learn-python/ (2024-04-18)
  21. https://medium.com/@jsonmez/the-best-way-to-learn-python-2618ef7bc18

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