10 Best Alternatives to Jetpack Analytics for WordPress in 2024

by Montel Anthony
Published: Updated:

Jetpack analytics has been a popular way for WordPress users to track their site traffic and visitor data. The plugin offers helpful insights with an easy setup. However, as sites grow and change, Jetpack may no longer meet website owners’ needs in 2024.

Jetpack analytics comes bundled with WordPress.com plans. This convenient integration causes site slowdowns once you reach the plugin and resource limits of your WordPress plan. Upgrading to more expensive WordPress.com plans simply to use Jetpack analytics often doesn’t make financial sense, especially when robust analytics alternatives exist.

This article will compare the top 10 best alternatives to Jetpack analytics for WordPress users in 2024. By the end, you’ll have a breakdown of each Jetpack alternative including:

  • Overview
  • Pricing
  • Key features
  • Pros & cons

We focused on several key factors when selecting and ranking analytics alternatives to Jetpack:

  • Pricing – WordPress sites have different budgets
  • Performance – Must not slow down site
  • Privacy – Compliance with privacy laws
  • Features – Depth of analytics insights offered
  • Flexibility – Ability to customize reports
  • Ease of use – Setup difficulty and usability.

Why Consider Alternatives to Jetpack Analytics?

Before jumping into the top alternatives, understanding why website owners may want to switch from Jetpack analytics provides helpful context. There are several limitations and drawbacks that come with relying on Jetpack for WordPress site analytics:

Reaches Jetpack Plugin Limits

  • Jetpack analytics is bundled with WordPress.com plans
  • Plans limit number of total Jetpack plugins allowed
  • Additional plugins can’t be added without upgrading plans

Websites often need other Jetpack plugins for features like search, security, and social sharing. Site owners shouldn’t have to pay more solely for analytics capabilities.

Performance Drag

  • Each additional Jetpack plugin impacts site performance
  • Too many plugins lead to a bloated, slow website
  • Site speed is a ranking factor for Google

Keeping plugins lean is crucial for site speed. Since Jetpack analytics can’t be separated from the other plugins, it indirectly causes performance lag.

Cost of Premium Plans

  • Jetpack analytics offers basic reporting in free version
  • Advanced analytics requires a paid WordPress.com plan
  • Plans over $8 per month simply for better analytics reporting

With so many analytics platforms offering robust free plans, paying a high monthly cost solely for Jetpack analytics adds up quickly. Their pricing model isn’t very competitive.

Privacy Concerns

  • Jetpack requires connection to WordPress.com servers
  • Data shared with Automattic who owns WordPress.com
  • Privacy advocates worry about data collection policies

Jetpack analytics relies on tracking site visitors and sharing that data back with Automattic’s products and services. This behind-the-scenes sharing leaves some website owners uncomfortable despite assurances of being GDPR compliant.

Alternatives Offer More Flexibility and Features

Free website analytics services have matured tremendously over the past few years. Platforms like Google Analytics offer significantly more flexibility for customizing reports and integrations than the basic Jetpack analytics provides.

In addition, best-in-class analytics platforms give users greater control over:

  • Dashboards and data visualizations
  • Segmenting visitors and traffic sources
  • Integrating analytics with other platforms
  • Accessing raw data for custom analysis
  • Developing custom funnels and goals

The top Jetpack alternatives we’ll cover allow users to take full ownership over analytics data instead of relying on external servers. They also provide more advanced insights to help WordPress site owners increase traffic, leads, and sales.

Methodology for Selecting the Best Alternatives

We used a combination of hands-on testing, expert opinions, user reviews, and WordPress trends analysis to select the 10 best alternatives to Jetpack analytics featured in this article.

Our evaluation criteria focused on elements website owners care most about when selecting an analytics service:


  • Free or freemium model
  • Transparent pricing for paid plans
  • Cost value relative to features


  • Lightweight and fast
  • No noticeable site speed impact
  • GDPR compliant for privacy


  • No connection to external servers
  • Data ownership resides with user
  • Customizable opt-in consent


  • Standard + advanced reporting
  • Custom dashboards
  • Goal and funnel tracking
  • Form and campaign analytics


  • API for connections to other platforms
  • Exportable raw data
  • Custom reporting capabilities

Ease of Use

  • Simple setup process
  • Intuitive UI and navigation

Using these criteria, we narrowed down the top contenders to 10 leading alternatives to Jetpack analytics for WordPress users. We’ll now profile each Jetpack analytics alternative in detail.

#1 Alternative – MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights is our choice as the best overall alternative to Jetpack analytics in 2024 based on reviews and testing. They offer a full featured WordPress analytics plugin with a free version covering all basic reporting needs.


MonsterInsights taps into the power of Google Analytics, while custom tailoring it specifically for WordPress sites’ needs. Their plugin neatly integrates Google Analytics data into your WordPress dashboard for easy access.


  • Free version available
  • Premium Plugin starts at $99.50 per year
  • All standard reports are free
  • Additional email support and advanced reporting require premium upgrade

Key Features

MonsterInsights’ features cater to both beginner WordPress site owners and advanced analysts:

  • Quick setup guided walkthrough
  • Automatic tracking of WordPress forms and events
  • Customizable WordPress admin dashboard analytics reports
  • Page-level analytics for deeper content insights
  • Popular posts widget showing top content over time
  • Google Analytics Dashboard for WP plugin compatibility
  • AMP page tracking support
  • Ecommerce transaction tracking
  • Facebook Instant Article tracking
  • Advertising cost and ROI tracking
  • Search console query insights
  • Form conversion analytics
  • Custom dimensions tracking
  • Publisher reporting dataset


  • Very popular WordPress analytics plugin (over 2 million active installs)
  • Free basic version is very full featured for most site needs
  • Tightly integrated with WordPress and Google Analytics
  • Dedicated support forum community


  • Can only be used if site allows Google Analytics
  • Requires some knowledge of Google Analytics
  • Extra add-ons and advanced support requires premium paid plans

The in-depth WordPress experience from MonsterInsights’ team makes their plugin the best overall turnkey Jetpack alternative that also appeals to the WordPress development community.

#2 Alternative – Google Analytics

Google Analytics remains the most widely used website analytics platform on the web. With over 70% market share, the depth of insights it provides appeals to all site sizes and verticals.

Use SiteKit by Google Plugin to Connect your Analytics to WordPress.


As Google’s own analytics product, it offers seamless integration with other Google services. The platform continues maturing with machine learning capabilities to surface insights without complex configurations.


  • 100% free for standard setup
  • Google Analytics 360 starts at $150,000 per year for enterprise plans
  • Highest pricing is for 360-degree customer database analysis

Key Features

Google Analytics brings over 15+ years of development to the table with almost limitless capabilities:

  • Custom dashboards and reporting
  • Real-time analytics on-demand
  • User behavior flow visualization
  • Campaign and ad tracking
  • remarketing and audience analytics
  • Media analytics across video, audio and text
  • Custom funnel building with conversion steps
  • Smart goals for automating event tracking
  • Segmentation and cohort analysis
  • Integrates with Google Tag Manager, Optimize, Surveys, and Data Studio


  • Free version covers most standard reporting
  • Enterprise-level capabilities with 360 plans
  • Universal adoption makes hiring analysts easier
  • Wealth of online resources and documentation
  • Trusted security and privacy controls


  • Learning curve much higher than other platforms
  • Fragmented features require navigating many sections
  • Mostly technical user interface
  • Lacking in WordPress-specific functionality

As the market leader, Google Analytics sets the standard for web analytics. It offers an unparalleled feature set, even if the user experience leaves much to be desired. 

#3 Alternative – Analytify

Analytify focuses solely on integrating Google Analytics with WordPress. Their plugin extends Google Analytics’ capabilities specifically for WordPress needs around content, SEO, and marketing.


Analytify creates a customized Google Analytics dashboard inside the WordPress admin area. This allows WordPress site owners to directly access key Google Analytics reports related to content, search engine optimization, email marketing, and paid advertising.


  • Free version available
  • Growth plan starts at $69 per year
  • Pro plan starts at $149 per year
  • Enterprise quote-based pricing

Key Features

  • Quick setup connecting Google Analytics API
  • Custom Analytics Dashboard for WP Admin
  • Page-level analytics with content insights
  • SEO metrics like rankings and backlinks
  • Paid media analytics and ROI tracking
  • Form and campaign conversion tracking
  • Custom audience analytics and segmentation
  • Crawling errors detection
  • Automatic email reports and scheduled PDF exports


  • Built specifically for WordPress sites
  • Great for SEO professionals and digital marketers
  • Free version contains robust basic reporting
  • Premium support options


  • Requires existing Google Analytics account
  • Can only extend existing GA data points
  • Complex features have learning curve

If you already use Google Analytics, then Analytify can help WordPress site owners extract more SEO, content, and email marketing insights without added complexity.

#4 Alternative – Simple Analytics

Simple Analytics takes a privacy-first approach to website analytics with a beautifully simple interface. Their product focuses on providing core site traffic insights without cookies, personal data collection, or external vendor tracking.


Simple Analytics positions itself as an ethical alternative to Google Analytics with transparency and privacy at the foundation. Their lightweight javascript snippet tracks analytics directly within your own website database.


  • Free plan allows up to 1,000 pageviews per month
  • Startup plan is $19 per month for 100,000 pageviews
  • Scale plan starts at custom variable pricing

Key Features

Simple Analytics focuses on doing the basics remarkably well:

  • Lightweight script for fast loading
  • Cookie-less data collection
  • Total pageviews and unique visitors reporting
  • Live visitor counting dashboard
  • Traffic sources and top pages insights
  • Chart visualizations with exportable CSV data
  • 90 days of historical data included
  • Email reports and Slack notifications
  • No data ever leaves your website server


  • Speedy setup taking under 60 seconds
  • Privacy focused data ownership
  • Easy to understand UI and reports
  • POSSE shareable analytics screenshots
  • Developed by respected founder in space


  • Lacks advanced analytics functionality
  • Limited segmentation capabilities
  • Maximum 90 days of historical reporting

If having a privacy safe analytics platform is most important, Simple Analytics delivers excellent transparency, speed, and core functionality in a beautifully designed package.

#5 Alternative – Woopra

Woopra combines real-time analytics, lead tracking, and customer data platform (CDP) capabilities into one marketing suite. Their dashboard offers a unique visual interface for digging deeper into visitor behavior.


Woopra most appeals to B2B companies focused on lead generation and conversion funnel optimization. The ability to connect data across web, mobile, email, chat, and marketing channels provides an integrated 360-degree view.


  • Free trial available
  • Starter plan is $999 per month with 100,000 pageviews
  • Custom enterprise pricing quotes

Key Features

  • Real-time visual data dashboard
  • Lead and customer tracking
  • Email and chat integration
  • Custom conversion funnels
  • Smart user segmentation
  • Behavioral trigger notifications
  • Custom reporting with 100+ metrics
  • Data health scores
  • Google Analytics integration


  • Real-time visual dashboard stands out
  • Lead and customer conversion insights
  • Integrates with marketing and sales stack
  • Can track users across devices and channels


  • Expensive paid plans
  • Setup and onboarding has learning curve
  • Focused on B2B conversion metrics
  • Less flexibility for non-customer analytics

If you want to take analytics beyond pageviews and into deeper user journey mapping, Woopra brings customer conversion intelligence to the next level.

#6 Alternative – Matomo

Matomo (formerly Piwik) is a fully open-source analytics platform that gives website owners complete data ownership and privacy. As an open-source project, they position themselves as a transparent alternative to closed proprietary services.


Matomo provides over 100 built-in reports covering content, search engine optimization, marketing campaigns, conversions, and custom goals. An active developer community also offers over 140 plugins extending capabilities.


  • 100% free open-source download
  • Matomo cloud hosting starts at $19 per month
  • Matomo for WordPress plugin available

Key Features

As a downloadable open-source platform, users have full control to leverage Matomo’s extensive base features however they choose:

  • Open-source self-hosted option
  • Customizable dashboard and reporting
  • In-depth content analytics and insights
  • Advertising and campaign tracking
  • Form conversion and goal funnel optimization
  • Segmentation and user flow analysis
  • Privacy focused data ownership
  • Developer API and plugins extend functionality


  • Own your data with on-premise open-source platform
  • Significant cost savings over paid tools
  • Very extensible via developer community
  • Available in many languages


  • Self-hosted version requires technical resources
  • Initially steeper learning curve than SaaS
  • Smaller market share limits community resources

For WordPress site owners comfortable with open-source software, Matomo brings enterprise-level features at startup-friendly pricing.

#7 Alternative – Fathom Analytics

Fathom positions itself as a simple, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. They appeal to website owners who want core site traffic insights without the complexity or privacy concerns of larger platforms.


Fathom proudly declares they do “not track, collect or share user data” on their website. Their analytics service keeps data collection limited to only essential metrics required to understand overall site performance.


  • 14 day free trial
  • Personal plan is $14 per month
  • Additional pricing tiers based on site traffic

Key Features

By design, Fathom Analytics limits its scope to a focused set of website performance reporting features:

  • Lightweight tracking script
  • Total site pageviews dashboard
  • Top pages and referrers
  • Traffic graphs and trends
  • Geographic location insights
  • Simple CSV/API data exports
  • Email reports and Slack alerts
  • Cookie-less tracking


  • Excellent transparency and privacy
  • Simple setup and intuitive interface
  • Affordable indie developer friendly pricing
  • Charming brand personality and appeal


  • Very limited advanced analytics functionality
  • Lacks custom goal and conversion tracking
  • Maximum 13 months of historical data

If you want just the essential traffic insights without complexity or privacy concerns, Fathom Analytics removes all the cruft.

#8 Alternative – GoStats

GoStats focuses specifically on analytics and statistics for WordPress sites. The plugin adds its tracking script while allowing users to visualize data within the WordPress dashboard.


GoStats takes a simplified approach to website analytics tailored for WordPress sites. The WordPress-first platform aims to make analytics integration feel native rather than bolted on through external services.


  • Free version available
  • Pro version is $5.25 per month
  • Additional add-ons pricing varies

Key Features

GoStats offers WordPress site owners core analytics capabilities:

  • Quick setup and integration
  • Dashboard site traffic graphs
  • Visitor counts and tracking
  • Traffic sources and top pages reporting
  • Automatic RSS feed tracking
  • Exportable CSV data
  • Email reports and alerts
  • Cache support for speed
  • GDPR compliance


  • Designed exclusively for WordPress
  • Affordable pricing tiers
  • Simplified analytics reporting
  • Lightweight plugin integration


  • Lacks advanced analytics functionality
  • Limited customization options
  • Maximum 13 months historical data
  • Smaller customer support community

For WordPress site owners wanting basic analytics directly integrated in their dashboard, GoStats simplifies the process with limited scope.

#9 Alternative – Statcounter

Statcounter is one of the original website analytics solutions operating since 1999. They focus on delivering core traffic insights and trends with flexibility for different business types.


Statcounter provides website owners with essential visit and visitor metrics. The platform’s longevity and focus results in fast, lightweight tracking for accelerating site speed.


  • Free version available
  • $5 per month starter plan
  • Custom enterprise quotes

Key Features

Statcounter’s essential website analytics features cater to business sites and bloggers:

  • Cookie-free tracking option
  • Dashboard site metrics graphs
  • Traffic source and top pages reporting
  • Geographic and technology breakdown
  • Exportable data and custom reports
  • Schedule email PDF reports
  • Overlay heatmaps available
  • Ad campaign tracking
  • Screen resolution insights
  • Browser version trends


  • Intuitive interface and navigation
  • Longstanding trusted platform
  • Very affordable paid plans
  • Custom reporting flexibility


  • Lacks advanced analytics functionality
  • Limited segmentation capability
  • No mobile app
  • Smaller WordPress plugin ecosystem

Statcounter provides excellent transparency and speed. While the platform lacks complex features, it covers the basic website analytics needs for many sites.

#10 Alternative – Open Web Analytics

Open Web Analytics (OWA) offers an open-source analytics platform focused on flexibility and transparency. They provide an alternative data collection approach avoiding common privacy concerns.


As an open-source analytics solution, Open Web Analytics gives full data ownership and control back to website owners. Developers can customize tracking based on specific reporting needs.


  • 100% free and open-source
  • Paid cloud hosting and support available
  • WordPress plugin offered

Key Features

Open Web Analytics delivers transparency through open-source flexibility:

  • Self-hosted open-source platform
  • Own your analytics data
  • Plugin architecture for extensibility
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Page tagging for context
  • Traffic source analysis
  • Campaign attribution modeling
  • Segmentation and conversion tracking
  • Database integrations
  • Developer API and LDAP support


  • Open-source transparency and control
  • Avoid vendor lock-in risks
  • Integrates across various data sources
  • On-premise security and privacy


  • Requires technical expertise to manage
  • Limited prebuilt visual dashboarding
  • Smaller support community currently

For developers and companies wanting more control through open-source analytics, Open Web Analytics provides excellent customization and transparency.

Bonus Alternative #1 – AWStats

AWStats is a free open-source analytics tool that website owners can self-host for full data ownership and transparency.


AWStats focuses on web, streaming, mail and ftp statistics analysis. The platform has over 20 years of development with regular updates from an open-source community.

Key Features

  • Open-source self-hosted analytics
  • Customizable reporting dashboard
  • Visits, visitors, duration and bandwidth stats
  • Traffic sources overview
  • Top pages, entry/exit pages
  • Referring sites stats
  • Search engine breakdown
  • Robots and bot tracking
  • Log file analyzer


  • Completely free and open-source
  • Self-hosted option avoids vendor lock-in
  • Long history of development


  • Dated interface and visualizations
  • Requires technical ability to self-manage
  • Lacks real-time analytics

For advanced WordPress site owners comfortable with open-source software, AWStats provides transparent analytics with full data control.

Bonus Alternative #2 – ShinyStat

ShinyStat is a freemium website analytics service with extensions available for popular CMS platforms like WordPress.


ShinyStat focuses on providing an easy-to-use web analytics solution for personal websites, blogs and small businesses at no cost. Their dashboard offers insights into traffic sources, top pages, locations and technology used by visitors.

Key Features

  • Free basic analytics plans
  • Dashboard visit and visitor metrics
  • Traffic source breakdown
  • Top pages and content reports
  • Referrers and keywords tracking
  • Visitor technology profiling
  • Email reports and exportable data


  • Free plans cover most basic needs
  • Easy installation and setup
  • Good option for very small sites


  • Light on advanced analytics
  • Maximum 13 months historical data
  • Attempts upselling multiple offerings

If you have a very small WordPress site and want straightforward free analytics, ShinyStat provides no-fuss functionality.

Conclusion & Final Thoughts

Switching from Jetpack analytics introduces more choice into your website analytics strategy. While Jetpack analytics offers convenient WordPress.com integration, it comes with notable limitations around performance, privacy, and reporting depth.

As we covered in this guide’s Jetpack alternatives, modern analytics platforms give WordPress site owners enterprise-level insights without the technical hurdles. Solutions like MonsterInsights, Google Analytics, and Matomo cater specifically to WordPress – all without forcing expensive upgrades or locking data behind external servers.

By taking time to understand your analytics needs and willingness to adopt new platforms, website owners can track meaningful metrics to grow traffic, engagement and conversions over the long term.

Hopefully this breakdown of the top 10 best alternatives to Jetpack analytics for WordPress gives you a framework to find the right solution for your website in 2024 and beyond.

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