20 Best AnswerThePublic Alternatives & Competitors for 2024 [Compared]

by Montel Anthony
Published: Updated:

Finding the right keyword tool is crucial for SEO success. AnswerThePublic has long been a favored choice for digital PR professionals and content creators seeking to uncover what audiences are searching for online. However, with the ever-evolving nature of keyword research and digital marketing, the quest for the best AnswerThePublic alternatives and competitors is on the rise. This surge stems from the need to leverage more advanced features, access a broader range of keywords, or find solutions that offer better value. Tools such as Semrush, Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, and others have emerged as potent alternatives, providing comprehensive keyword insights that empower users to refine their content strategies and improve search engine visibility.

This article aims to guide you through the best AnswerThePublic alternatives and competitors for 2024, carefully compared across a spectrum of criteria including functionality, user-friendliness, and pricing. From Semrush’s expansive keyword database and competitive analysis features to Ubersuggest’s user-friendly interface and cost-effective solutions, our coverage explores a range of tools indispensable for keyword research. Whether you’re an SEO professional, marketer, or content creator, understanding the nuances of each alternative—spanning popular options like Moz, Ahrefs, and the Google Keyword Planner, to specialized tools like KWFinder and SpyFu—will equip you to choose the tool that best matches your needs. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear roadmap of the top digital marketing tools available, helping you make an informed decision to boost your online presence.

Criteria for Selecting AnswerThePublic Alternatives

Selecting the right keyword research tool is crucial for optimizing your SEO strategy and enhancing your digital marketing efforts. When evaluating alternatives to AnswerThePublic, several key criteria should be considered to ensure you choose a tool that aligns with your business needs and budget. Here are the essential factors to consider:


The cost of keyword research tools can vary significantly, and it’s important to consider both your budget and the value each tool offers. For instance, Helium 10, priced at $79/month, offers a comprehensive suite of tools suitable for serious Amazon sellers, while Jungle Scout, at $49/month, provides essential features at a more affordable price point. Always compare the features included in each plan to determine whether the higher cost is justified by additional functionalities that are crucial for your needs.


The completeness of a tool’s feature set is a decisive factor. Look for tools that include comprehensive keyword research capabilities, rank tracking, competitor analysis, backlink tracking, and automated reporting. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs offer extensive features, including advanced competitor insights and keyword exploration, which can significantly aid in developing a robust SEO strategy.

Ease of Use

A user-friendly interface is critical for efficiently navigating through the tool and utilizing its features to the fullest. Tools like Keyword Tool are praised for their simplicity and ease of use, making them a great choice for beginners or those who prefer a straightforward approach to keyword research.

Data Sources

The accuracy and depth of the data provided by a keyword research tool are vital for making informed decisions. Tools that offer detailed insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and competitive analysis, based on reliable data sources, are preferable. Ensure the tool you choose provides up-to-date and comprehensive data to support your SEO activities.

Technical Support

The availability and quality of customer support are important, especially when dealing with complex tools. Consider whether the tool offers timely and helpful support services. This can be crucial for resolving any issues you encounter and for getting the most out of the tool’s features.

By carefully considering these criteria, you can select a keyword research tool that not only fits your budget but also effectively meets your specific marketing needs and objectives.

Top 20 Alternatives to AnswerThePublic for 2024

#1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs / Best AnswerThePublic Alternatives & Competitors

Ahrefs stands out as a comprehensive SEO tool that offers extensive keyword research capabilities. With its Keywords Explorer, users gain access to a database of over 10 billion keywords across 170 countries, providing detailed insights into keyword difficulty, search volume, and SERP analysis. Ahrefs excels in competitive analysis, link building, and content marketing, making it a robust alternative for those seeking in-depth SEO data. Explore Ahrefs here.

#2. AlsoAsked

AlsoAsked leverages data from the “People Also Asked” feature on search engines to provide long-tail keyword opportunities. This tool organizes questions by topics, helping users identify content gaps and enhance their SEO strategy by addressing common queries. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible for SEO beginners and experts alike. Check out AlsoAsked.

#3. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool utilizes autocomplete data from various search engines to help users find relevant keywords. It provides search volume, CPC, and competition data across platforms like Google, Bing, and Amazon, aiding in the development of effective content and marketing strategies. Visit Keyword Tool.

#4. Keyword Tool Dominator

This tool identifies top searched keywords on major e-commerce platforms and search engines, including Amazon and Google. Keyword Tool Dominator is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses aiming to optimize product descriptions and increase visibility. Learn more about Keyword Tool Dominator.

#5. Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz offers a user-friendly SEO platform with the Keyword Explorer providing data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and SERP features. Known for its accurate search volume and CTR data, Moz helps users prioritize keywords effectively. Discover more at Moz.

#6. SEMrush

SEMrush is renowned for its comprehensive site audit features and Keyword Magic Tool, which accesses a database of 20 billion keywords. It provides a robust set of tools for keyword research, competitive analysis, and technical SEO, making it a top choice for serious SEO professionals. Explore SEMrush.

#7. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest offers a free keyword research tool that provides insights into search volume, CPC, and SEO difficulty. It also features content ideas, backlink data, and site audits, supporting users in enhancing their overall SEO performance. Check out Ubersuggest.

#8. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics identifies emerging trends and topics with potential for growth, providing key metrics to help businesses tap into new markets. This tool is ideal for marketers looking to stay ahead of the curve in content and product innovation. Visit Exploding Topics.

#9. Google Ads Keyword Planner

As part of the Google Ads suite, this tool offers real-time data directly from Google’s search history, making it invaluable for those seeking the most current and relevant keyword suggestions. Use Google Ads Keyword Planner.

#10. KWFinder

KWFinder focuses on finding long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. It is favored for its user-friendly interface and accurate keyword metrics, which help users find easy-to-rank keywords. Learn more about KWFinder.

#11. Keywords Everywhere

This browser extension shows keyword competitiveness, CPC, and search volume directly in the search results, enhancing the convenience of keyword research without switching between tools. Install Keywords Everywhere.

#12. LongTailPro

LongTailPro specializes in generating long-tail keywords, crucial for targeting specific niches. It provides detailed keyword metrics to guide users in selecting highly effective keywords for their SEO campaigns. Discover LongTailPro.

#13. Serpstat

Serpstat offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including keyword research, SERP analysis, and competitor insights. It is known for its detailed reports and data accuracy, supporting in-depth market and competitor analysis. Check out Serpstat.

#14. SpyFu

SpyFu excels in competitor keyword research, allowing users to track competitor keywords and ad strategies. This tool is particularly useful for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in PPC and SEO. Explore SpyFu.

#15. Keyword.io

Keyword.io uses multiple data sources to provide a wide range of keyword suggestions, helping users expand their SEO and content strategies across different platforms and languages. Use Keyword.io.

#16. Seed Keywords

Seed Keywords allows users to create custom scenarios to gather unique keyword ideas based on real-world searches, offering a fresh approach to traditional keyword research tools. Try Seed Keywords.

$17. Soovle

Soovle provides autocomplete suggestions from multiple search engines and content platforms in one interface, making it a quick tool for gathering diverse keyword ideas. Visit Soovle.

#18. Wordtracker

Wordtracker offers detailed keyword data including search volume, competition, and related keywords, helping marketers optimize their content and improve search rankings. Learn more at Wordtracker.

#19. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is primarily a content research tool but also offers keyword insights, making it a valuable resource for content marketers looking to align their strategies with audience interests. Explore Buzzsumo.

#20. CognitiveSEO Keyword Tool

CognitiveSEO provides a suite of SEO tools, including a powerful keyword tool that offers detailed insights into keyword efficiency and competition, aiding in the optimization of SEO strategies. Check out CognitiveSEO.

In-Depth Comparison of the Top 5 Tools


Ahrefs is renowned for its comprehensive SEO capabilities, particularly in keyword difficulty analysis and backlink analysis. Users appreciate its detailed insights on keyword difficulty, search volume, and organic search results, which are crucial for competitive analysis. Ahrefs stands out with its extensive backlink analysis features, providing strategic advantages by understanding the link profile of target keywords. Despite its higher price point, the value is justified by its depth of data and accuracy, making it a solid choice for those who need in-depth SEO analysis. Explore Ahrefs here.


AlsoAsked extends its utility by focusing on related questions and queries based on a given keyword, which is invaluable for content ideation and understanding user intent. This tool is particularly useful for SEO beginners and experts looking to expand their content strategy to include frequently asked questions. It’s user-friendly and accessible, making it a great tool for those new to SEO. Check out AlsoAsked.

Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is celebrated for its simplicity and effectiveness in providing a list of related keywords and search volume data. It draws data from various search engines, making it versatile for different platforms including Google, Bing, and Amazon. This tool is particularly beneficial for those who need quick and reliable keyword suggestions without the complexity of more advanced features. Visit Keyword Tool.

Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator targets users who require more advanced features, such as keyword difficulty and CPC information. It is especially useful for e-commerce businesses that need to optimize product descriptions and increase visibility across various platforms like Amazon, eBay, and YouTube. The tool’s ability to provide actionable suggestions on how to use the data makes it a practical choice for marketers. Learn more about Keyword Tool Dominator.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer offers robust keyword research capabilities, providing detailed insights into keyword search volume, difficulty, and opportunity. It is known for its accuracy in search volume data and the breadth of long-tail keyword opportunities it presents. Users find the various keyword filters and the ability to view trends across mobile and desktop particularly useful for creating targeted SEO strategies. Discover more at Moz.

Each of these tools offers unique features that cater to different SEO needs and objectives. By understanding the specific capabilities and strengths of Ahrefs, AlsoAsked, Keyword Tool, Keyword Tool Dominator, and Moz Keyword Explorer, users can make more informed decisions that align with their digital marketing strategies.

How to Choose the Right Tool for Your Needs

Identify Your Specific Needs

When choosing the right keyword research tool, it’s essential to start by identifying your specific needs. Consider the topics you want to rank for and categorize them into topic buckets. This will help you determine the type of keywords you should target, such as high-volume search terms or niche-specific phrases. Reflect on whether you need a tool that provides extensive data on keyword trends or one that offers more basic search volume and competition data. Understanding your goals, like improving SEO rankings or gaining insights into customer queries, will guide your choice of tool.

Evaluate the Cost-Benefit Ratio

Assessing the potential costs and benefits of a keyword research tool is crucial. Consider not only the financial investment but also the time and effort it will take to see results. Tools vary in price and features, so weigh what you are getting for your money. For instance, some tools might offer detailed competitor analysis and keyword difficulty scores, which could be invaluable for your SEO strategy but come at a higher cost.

Consider Long-Term Benefits

Look beyond immediate needs and consider the long-term benefits of the tool. A more expensive option might offer features that can save you time and provide deeper insights in the long run, such as automated reporting or advanced analytics. Think about the scalability of the tool and whether it will still be useful as your business and online presence grow.

Trial Period Usage

Many keyword research tools offer trial periods. Use this opportunity to explore the tool’s features and determine if it meets your needs. Check how user-friendly and intuitive the interface is, and whether you can easily find and use the features you need. A trial period is also a good time to test the tool’s customer support services.

Read User Reviews

Finally, reading user reviews can provide valuable insights into the tool’s reliability and performance. Look for feedback on the accuracy of the data provided, the responsiveness of customer support, and the overall user experience. Reviews can also highlight any common issues or limitations that might not be apparent during a trial period.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a keyword research tool that not only fits your budget but also effectively supports your specific marketing needs and objectives.


Navigating through the plethora of keyword research tools available can be daunting, but this comprehensive guide aimed to make that journey significantly easier by examining top alternatives to AnswerThePublic. We explored a variety of options, each with unique features catering to different aspects of SEO optimization, from Ahrefs’ robust database and analytical depth to Keyword Tool’s simplicity and efficacy. This exploration underscores the vitality of selecting a tool that aligns with your specific SEO needs, whether you’re focused on uncovering niche keywords, analyzing competitors, or optimizing content to match user intent. By carefully considering each tool’s strengths and offerings, you’re better equipped to elevate your digital marketing strategy and enhance your online visibility.

It’s essential to recognize that the landscape of SEO and keyword research is constantly evolving, requiring tools that not only address current needs but are also adaptive to future changes. The significance of this guide extends beyond mere comparisons; it’s a roadmap for navigating the complexities of digital marketing tools, empowering SEO professionals, marketers, and content creators to make informed decisions. Embrace the insights and comparative analysis provided to select a tool that not just meets but exceeds your expectations, driving your SEO efforts towards measurable success and improved search engine rankings.


1. What are some alternatives to AnswerThePublic?

Ahrefs is considered the best overall alternative to AnswerThePublic.com. Other similar platforms include Conductor, Semrush, SpyFu, and SE Ranking. These alternatives are primarily found in the category of SEO Tools, but some also function as AI Writing Assistants.

2. Does AnswerThePublic offer a free version?

Yes, Answer the Public provides a free online tool that helps content creators and marketers generate insights for their content strategies.

3. How does AnswerThePublic differ from SEMRush?

AnswerThePublic primarily serves as a keyword planning tool focused on researching the types of questions people are asking online. On the other hand, SEMRush offers a broader range of features beyond just keyword research, providing comprehensive insights into various aspects of digital marketing.

4. Which SEO tool is considered the most expensive?

seoClarity is recognized as the most expensive SEO tool available, offering a comprehensive platform that integrates multiple types of SEO tools. While it may not be suitable for every company due to its cost, it is highly effective for those that can afford it.

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