WordPress vs. Other CMS Platforms: Is WordPress Still King in 2024?

by Montel Anthony

Selecting an effective Content Management System (CMS) is vital to the success of any website, acting as the cornerstone for designing, managing, and scaling it effectively. As digital platforms have grown ever more influential in society today, debate on WordPress vs other CMS has intensified. WordPress’ user-friendliness and flexibility made it one of the more popular options when starting websites; but as web development evolves it’s vital that we evaluate if this still holds up or if other options offer greater functionality customization or user interface benefits than what has long been thought – even as long-time WordPress has not held onto its crown in terms of functionality customization or user experience.

This article compares WordPress with popular CMS options such as Joomla, Drupal Squarespace and Wix to help readers gain a comprehensive view of each one. Topics covered include templates and themes; SEO capabilities; cost implications; hosting options available to them; extensions available and technical expertise required – providing you with a balanced overview of both strengths and weaknesses of each platform so that they may provide you with clarity over which one best satisfies the requirements for their websites. Whether you’re building a simple blog, a robust business website, or anything inbetween, navigating the landscape of website building, hosting, and maintenance options is essential for making an informed decision in the engaging battle of WordPress vs other cms platforms.

WordPress vs Joomla


When comparing WordPress and Joomla, it’s essential to understand their unique features and capabilities. Both platforms are renowned for their ability to facilitate website creation and management but cater to different user needs and preferences. WordPress is known for its ease of use and extensive customization options, making it a favorite among beginners and advanced users alike. Joomla, while also highly customizable, offers a more complex interface that may appeal more to users with technical expertise.

Read our full comparison for Joomla vs WordPress: Which One is Better For You?.

Ease of Use

WordPress is celebrated for its user-friendly design, allowing users to make on-the-fly customizations and straightforward updates. This ease of use makes WordPress a preferred choice for users at all skill levels. Joomla, on the other hand, tends to have a more complex interface that can become challenging as site requirements grow. Its backend, though not as intuitive as WordPress, is structured in a way that might appeal to more technically inclined users.


Both WordPress and Joomla offer extensive customization opportunities through their vast arrays of themes and plugins. WordPress holds a significant advantage in both the volume and accessibility of these options. The WordPress ecosystem provides an array of themes and plugins that integrate seamlessly, making it easier for users to enhance their sites. Joomla also offers a wide range of templates and extensions, but they can be less user-friendly and more complicated to implement effectively.


In terms of security, both platforms have their strengths. WordPress might edge slightly due to its user-friendly approach to security updates and a more extensive range of security plugins, which provide robust protection even for less technical users. Joomla also includes standard security measures like SSL connections and two-factor authentication, which are prominently accessible through the admin panel.


SEO capabilities are crucial for modern websites, and here WordPress shines with its user-friendly and detailed approach. Plugins like Yoast SEO and RankMath guide users through optimizing their content for search engines, making it accessible for non-SEO experts. Joomla offers decent out-of-the-box SEO tools that allow for a good level of customization, but it generally lacks the comprehensive plugins that enhance WordPress’s SEO potential.


Support is another critical factor in choosing a CMS. WordPress has a vast community with numerous resources such as forums, detailed guides, and an extensive documentation library that helps users troubleshoot issues and learn new features. Joomla also has a strong support network, though it may not be as extensive as WordPress’s, it still provides valuable resources for its users.

Summary Comparison Table

To give you a clearer view of how WordPress and Joomla stack up against each other, here is a summary comparison table:

CustomizationExtensiveExtensive but complex
SecurityVery GoodGood

This table should help you quickly assess which CMS might be the best fit for your website needs.

WordPress vs Drupal


When comparing WordPress and Drupal, it’s essential to recognize that both platforms offer robust solutions for content management but cater to different types of users and needs. WordPress, initially launched as a blogging platform, has evolved into a versatile CMS suitable for a variety of websites, including small to medium-sized businesses and personal blogs. Drupal, on the other hand, is known for its strength in managing more complex, content-rich sites that require detailed user permissions or multilingual capabilities.

Ease of Use

WordPress is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for beginners and those who want to get a site up and running quickly without extensive technical knowledge. The platform offers a vast array of themes and plugins that streamline the setup and customization process. Drupal, while offering a robust platform for those who have the coding skills, presents a steeper learning curve and is best suited for more technical users or those who require a highly customized site.


Both platforms offer significant customization opportunities; however, they approach it differently. WordPress users benefit from over 53,000 free plugins and a multitude of themes that allow for easy modification and enhancement of a site’s functionality and aesthetic appeal. Drupal’s modules and themes are also extensive, but the platform is particularly strong when it comes to deep customization that requires a developer’s touch. It provides a more granular control over user permissions and complex content management capabilities, making it ideal for large-scale, bespoke projects.


Security is a critical consideration for any website, and both WordPress and Drupal offer strong security features. WordPress, with its large user base, is a frequent target for attacks, but it counters this with a vast array of security plugins and regular updates. Drupal is known for its enterprise-level security and robust core that makes it a preferred choice for government and other high-security sites. While WordPress is secure out of the box, Drupal often requires fewer plugins to maintain a high level of security, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities.


Drupal was initially built with robust SEO capabilities that can be enhanced with modules, making it possible to create highly optimized content. However, WordPress simplifies the SEO process with plugins like Yoast SEO, which helps users optimize content even without much SEO expertise. Both platforms support responsive design, which is crucial for SEO, but Drupal’s more technical framework can be better suited for those looking to fine-tune every aspect of their site’s SEO.


The support available for both CMSs is extensive. WordPress has a massive community with countless forums, tutorials, and guides that make it easy to find help or learn how to use the platform. Drupal’s community is smaller but no less committed, offering a wealth of user guides, community forums, and professional support services. The choice between WordPress and Drupal support often comes down to the user’s technical ability and the complexity of the issues they are likely to encounter.

Summary Comparison Table

To provide a clear comparison at a glance, here is a summary table outlining the key differences between WordPress and Drupal:

CustomizationExtensiveHigh, with technical skills
SecurityVery GoodExcellent
SEOExcellentVery Good

This table should assist you in quickly determining which CMS might better suit your website’s needs, depending on your technical expertise and the complexity of your project.

WordPress vs Squarespace


When considering website builders, both Squarespace and WordPress stand out, particularly for their design capabilities, which are highly valued by creatives. Squarespace is renowned for its beautifully designed templates, making it a top choice for visually-driven sites. WordPress, while requiring more hands-on management, offers extensive control over site design, allowing for detailed customization down to the finest elements.

Ease of Use

Squarespace shines in user-friendliness with its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, which simplifies the website building process. This makes it ideal for both beginners and those who prefer a straightforward design experience without the need for coding. WordPress, on the other hand, although versatile, has a steeper learning curve and often requires more technical knowledge, especially for customizing through its extensive plugin system.


WordPress leads in customization due to its vast ecosystem of plugins and themes that cater to nearly any need. This open-source platform allows users to tweak every aspect of their site. Conversely, Squarespace offers less flexibility in customization but provides a more controlled environment that ensures design consistency and quality, which is particularly beneficial for users without web development experience.


Squarespace offers a secure, managed platform where all technical aspects, including security, are handled by the provider. This can be a significant advantage for users who prefer not to manage security updates and configurations. WordPress, while robust, requires active management of security, especially with the frequent updates and maintenance needed due to its open-source nature.


Both platforms are equipped with competent SEO tools to help enhance your site’s visibility in search engines. Squarespace provides built-in SEO features that cater to the essentials, making it straightforward for users to optimize their sites. WordPress offers more advanced SEO capabilities through plugins like Yoast SEO, which provides detailed guidance on optimizing content and improving site structure for better search engine ranking.


Squarespace provides strong customer support with 24/7 access via email and live chat during business hours, ensuring help is readily available. WordPress, being an open-source platform, relies on community forums and third-party services for support, which can vary in responsiveness and expertise.

Summary Comparison Table

To help you quickly compare the key features of WordPress and Squarespace, here is a summary comparison table:

Design ControlHighModerate
Ease of UseModerateHigh
SecurityHighVery High

This table provides a snapshot of what you can expect from each platform, helping you decide which might better suit your needs for website creation.

WordPress vs Wix


When deciding between WordPress and Wix for your website, it’s essential to consider what each platform offers in terms of ease of use, customization, security, SEO, and support. WordPress, originating as a blogging platform, has evolved into a robust content management system (CMS) known for its extensive customization options and flexibility. On the other hand, Wix is celebrated for its user-friendly interface and quick setup, making it ideal for beginners or those looking for an all-in-one solution.

Ease of Use

Both WordPress and Wix are praised for their ease of use, particularly for beginners. Wix offers a drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to choose elements and edit them in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) fashion, which simplifies the website building process. WordPress, while slightly more complex initially, provides a powerful block editor that enables live previews and adjustments, along with a plethora of drag-and-drop page builder plugins that enhance its usability.


Customization is a significant factor where WordPress distinctly outshines Wix. WordPress users benefit from access to over 60,000 free plugins and thousands of themes, each customizable to suit specific needs. This open-source platform offers unparalleled flexibility in design and functionality. Wix, while offering a variety of templates and a user-friendly design interface, does not provide the same level of deep customization, especially for advanced users who may require more sophisticated website features.


Security is a critical aspect of any online platform. Wix provides a more managed security environment, handling most security measures like SSL certificates and regular updates internally. WordPress, being an open-source platform, requires users to manage their security protocols, which includes regular updates and the installation of security plugins. While this might seem daunting, it allows for a more tailored security approach but demands more involvement from the site owner.


In terms of SEO, both platforms have strengths but cater to different levels of expertise. Wix has made significant improvements in its SEO capabilities, offering basic tools that help beginners optimize their sites effectively. Conversely, WordPress, with plugins like Yoast SEO, offers more advanced SEO tools that allow for detailed site optimization strategies, making it preferable for those who have a long-term SEO plan and require deeper customization.


Support services vary significantly between the two platforms. Wix offers robust customer support with 24/7 access via phone, live chat, and extensive online resources, making it highly accessible for users. WordPress, lacking direct customer support, relies on a vast community where users can seek help from forums, online resources, or directly from plugin and theme developers.

Summary Comparison Table

To provide a clear and concise comparison at a glance, here is a summary table highlighting the key differences between WordPress and Wix:

Ease of UseGoodExcellent
SecurityHigh (requires user management)High (managed)
SEOAdvancedBasic to Moderate
SupportCommunity-basedDirect and extensive

This table should assist you in quickly determining which platform might better suit your website’s needs, based on your technical expertise and the specific functionalities you require.

Hosting Options for Different CMS

When choosing a hosting option for your CMS, it’s essential to consider the unique features and requirements of each platform. Here’s a breakdown of hosting options for popular CMS platforms including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace, and Wix.

Hosting for WordPress

WordPress hosting varies widely, with options tailored for all levels of technical expertise and site complexity. Managed WordPress hosting services like Bluehost and Dreamhost, recommended by WordPress itself, offer optimized environments where many technical aspects are handled by the provider, including security, backups, and updates. For those who prefer more control, unmanaged WordPress hosting allows for a more hands-on approach, ideal for custom software installations or for users comfortable with manual setup and maintenance.

Hosting for Joomla

Joomla hosting needs to support its capability for complex, content-rich sites. Hostinger and ScalaHosting are noted for their affordability and robust features tailored for Joomla. They offer optimized servers that enhance Joomla’s performance and provide security enhancements like free SSL certificates and server-side caching. For more extensive needs, providers like InMotion Hosting deliver plans that include advanced security measures and performance optimizations specifically for Joomla sites.

Hosting for Drupal

Drupal’s powerful and flexible system requires hosting that can handle complex data interactions and high traffic volumes. Hosting options like A2 Hosting and SiteGround offer Drupal-specific plans that prioritize performance and security. These services often include automatic updates, dedicated support, and scalable resources to meet the demands of large-scale Drupal sites. GreenGeeks provides an eco-friendly hosting option with strong support for Drupal, including optimized configurations and easy installation of Drush, a command-line shell that enhances Drupal management.

Hosting for Squarespace

Squarespace handles hosting internally, providing a secure and streamlined experience that integrates seamlessly with its website building tools. This all-in-one approach ensures that security updates, domain management, and resource scaling are handled without user intervention. The platform’s managed environment is ideal for users who prioritize ease of use and design over extensive customization.

Hosting for Wix

Wix also offers an all-in-one solution where hosting is integrated with the website builder. This provides a user-friendly setup with automatic security, including SSL certificates and PCI compliance for safe transactions. Wix’s hosting environment is designed to be robust and secure, with 24/7 monitoring and an array of built-in and third-party applications available through the Wix App Market to extend site functionality.

Summary Comparison Table

To help you quickly compare the hosting options for each CMS, here is a summary comparison table:

CMSHosting TypeKey Features
WordPressManaged & UnmanagedOptimized environments, plugin support, scalability
JoomlaManagedOptimized servers, security enhancements, support
DrupalManaged & UnmanagedHigh performance, security, customizable
SquarespaceManagedIntegrated hosting, ease of use, design-focused
WixManagedIntegrated hosting, robust security, app market

This table provides an overview of the primary hosting characteristics for each platform, assisting you in selecting the most suitable hosting option based on your specific needs.


Through a comprehensive comparison among leading CMS platforms—WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace, and Wix—this article has highlighted the pivotal criteria such as ease of use, customization, security, SEO, and support that define their suitability for different user needs and website objectives. We’ve dissected each platform’s strengths and weaknesses, delving into the specifics of what they offer to different user bases, from novices to technical experts. The comparison tables provided through each section have distilled these elements, offering at-a-glance insights to guide decision-making for those at the crossroads of selecting the optimal CMS for their project.

In conclusion, while WordPress appears to maintain its reign for a broad spectrum of users due to its flexibility, extensive customization options, and robust community support, alternative platforms present compelling advantages that may better suit specific requirements. Joomla and Drupal cater to those desiring a granular control over site architecture and security, Squarespace and Wix shine with user-friendly interfaces for creative projects with less technical involvement. Ultimately, your choice should hinge on aligning the CMS capabilities with your project needs, skill level, and long-term digital presence aspirations, thereby ensuring your website not only reaches its intended audience but thrives in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


1. Is WordPress still a relevant platform in 2024?
Yes, WordPress continues to be a highly relevant and effective content management system (CMS) in 2024. It is known for its user-friendly interface, extensive ecosystem, and ability to scale, making it suitable for various types of websites.

2. Does WordPress maintain its status as the best CMS in 2024?
While there was a mix-up in 2023 where a WordPress page builder was incorrectly named the best CMS, WordPress itself has reliably held its ground as a top choice for content management. It remains a cornerstone for online content creation due to its robust features and dependability.

3. Is WordPress still the leading CMS as of 2024?
Indeed, WordPress remains one of the top content management systems available, powering over 40% of all websites globally. Its widespread use underscores its popularity and effectiveness in the digital space.

4. What are some leading alternatives to WordPress in 2024?
In 2024, notable alternatives to WordPress include:

  • Shopify: Known for its strong focus on e-commerce, Shopify offers easy setup and is a fully hosted platform, with plans starting at $39 per month.
  • Wix: Offers a user-friendly interface with pricing beginning at $16 per month.
  • Squarespace: Recognized for its sleek design capabilities, with packages starting at $23 per month. These platforms provide varied features that cater to different needs and preferences.

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